Chapter Eighteen

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Persistence is easy. It's time I'm having trouble with. Unfortunately, Lucy needs lots of it.

The stone walls of my porch are cold, seeping through the layers of fabric where I'm leaned up against it. The guests are leaving. Men hold doors open as women hike up the hems of their skirts, sliding into their luxury vehicles.

I'm staring at a particular couple kissing across the lot

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I'm staring at a particular couple kissing across the lot. Gabe presses himself into Lucy, pinning her to the metal siding of a sportscar. His knuckles are white where he grips the nape of her neck, controlling the tilt of her head. His tongue glistens in the low lamplight as it enters her mouth.

Blood swishes violently in my ears, but at least Lucy isn't enjoying herself. She's a good actress, but I know what it looks like when she wants a man. I've got the scratches on my throat as proof.

Her fingers are tentative on Gabe's jaw. She's leaning back into his hand, away from his lips. Her eyes aren't even closed; she's just peering down.

"Do you think it's a poly relationship?" Olivia muses to her fiancé, as if the topic of their discussion isn't standing right beside them.

"Blake, share? No way," Aidan replies through a mouthful of food. He's holding a plastic jug of cheese puffs under his arm like a football. "When we were kids, Blake wouldn't even let our mom go on dates. He'd light the guy's hair on fire or stick twinkies in their tailpipes."

Olivia reaches for a cheese puff, popping it in her mouth. "Blake stuck his twinkie in Lucy's tailpipe tonight."

"Besides, look at how hard he's clenching his jaw," Aidan continues. "He's about to snap his teeth in half. There's no way he's happy about the situation."

"What is the situation, sweetheart?" Mom places her hand on my lapel, but I can't tear my gaze from Gabe and Lucy. "What's going on between you and Lucy?"

"It's complicated," I huff, shaking my head. "But, trust me, she doesn't want to be leaving with Gabe Gunderson."

Gabe gave me his address earlier so I can send him his jacket once it's dry cleaned. He's renting an apartment in Center City right around the block from my company's headquarters. I'm debating whether I should follow them. Not to stop him from stringing Lucy to his bedposts, but to ensure she leaves his home in one piece. I just want to make sure she's safe.

It's maddening that she wouldn't agree to quit the escort service. If it's not about money anymore, then Orlova has something that's keeping Lucy in her employment. But there's no evidence of it on her computer. I've poured through Lucy's inhouse medical records, schedule, and contract. There's nothing I don't already know. Her real name isn't even documented.

I breathe a sigh of relief when Gabe and Lucy break apart. Lucy reaches for the clutch she placed on the roof of the car, retrieving her cell phone from it. She glances at the screen, then excuses herself to take the call. Gabe removes his own mobile from his pocket, keeping busy while he waits for his date.

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