Hawkman and Hawkgirl

23 3 21

Now once in helm to work they went
And Sandman's magic down then sent
So foes there stood to man at helm
We're quick by magic overwhelmed

And Kendra's knowledge gained from days
The Justice League her service bayed
To study Katar's ship now gives
Them help in warring chore their bid.

She quick the signal loads and sends
To rest fleet their war to end.
And flames do bloom as though in fields
Of gardens made from glass and steel.

And closer flames to ship do grow
As vessels fall to earth below.
And shockwaves make their vessel rip
Thus causing three to jar and trip.

And Big Sky deems it time to go
Her will to leave to earth below
But Kendra says she'd rather stay
To help her love in fight he's gave.

And though they chide she dares not leave
For fear of something heart will grieve
And down the halls the Doctor sprints
To place her lover fights she went.

And both the heroes sadly deem
They have no choice but ship to leave
In flash of light and smoke the go
Unto the earth that's held below...

Through twist and turns then Kendra went
On course she's set she'd not repent.
And smoke and flames obscure her view
To fill her sight and fright imbue...

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter only one more left and the story is through. Please vote share and comment.

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