The End Credits

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Director: johnbwes

Cinematographer: johnbwes

Sound Director johnbwes

Executive Sound Director: johnbwes

Assistant to the Executive Sound Director: johnbwes

Assistant to the Assistant to the Executive Sound Director: johnbwes

SPX: johnbwes

SFX: johnbwes

BMX: johnbwes "vroom vroom"

Location Scout: johnbwes

Professional Penguin Wrangler: johnbwes

Inside an old Egyptian tomb
That's only filled with stench and doom
A pair do go and lonely trod
Yet one a fay the other god

Who trident wields and seven seas
He bids by steel his wrath to heed.
The other golden mask that's hard
To hide the face that Tristan marred

Does wear with scowl forever set
By man who Arthur's will abet.
There silent creep they wend their spell
Their goal in place no way to tell

To ancient crypt no one has kept
For many age where Pharaoh slept
And up to casket neptune goes
With trident pries he lid from hold.

Then ancient magics Morgan weaves
And ancient form of mummy heaves
From mouth it bandage quickly rips
And scream does issue out form lips.


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