Chapter -1

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Taeui's POV

Earth to Taeui...
Hellooo......." Jaeui called  out to me

Today was the day I and my brother were moving  back to the pack after years of living in the human world we had to return to the pack as my uncle had found his mate  and our pack had a luna
I dreaded going back to the pack not because  I didn't want to be part of the celebration but  let's just keep this topic for the after

" Yeah J... I'm listening " I said without even turning towards him
He knew  that I had lost focus in between so he started repeating it again
" Don't let your anger ruin it" he said and stopped talking till I look towards him
"Yes mother" I mocked looking at him
Jaeui hated that nickname but I called him that, because once he starts nagging he doesn't know when to stop it

"You know how important it is for uncle,i just don't want us to ruin it .He is a good person and I want him to be happy" Jaeui said
I agreed with him on this our uncle was a good person he took care of us after our parents death until we chose to go live with the humans
He always supported us and I loved him for that, he treated us as his own children  and visited us whenever  he could
"I know and don't worry I won't ruin it"i said
Jaeui opened his mouth to say something  but he didn't he knew that I cared for our uncle and we didn't  speak anything till we were about to reach our home

Our uncle was the alpha of our pack, so becoming the alpha had got him many responsibilities and he even took care of us after our parents  death, he was the longest alpha without  a mate and everyone in our pack started working about him and the future of our pack

So I was surprised when he told us he found his mate
Our uncle" changmin" had found mate after 18 years and that was a very long time at first he didn't  search his mate as he was busy taking care of us but after we went to live outside the pack he started searching for his mate and he had finally found him

I was shocked when I got to know he found his mate at the alpha summit  our uncle thought it was lame and never used to go to it but the one time  he went .....boom!!  he found his mate
He was so happy when he found his mate but his mate was also an alpha and that too a lycan it was my first time meeting a lycan

"Are you excited to meet a lycan??" I asked jaeui

"Yes and I have a lot of questions  too, I heard that Lycans were more stronger and faster than normal werewolves and on that they are more beautiful, the moon goddess have blessed them" he said excitedly I could feel his excitement  in his voice

"It's not only them who are blessed we are too"I said
shrugging my shoulders

Our uncle used to tell us the moon goddess had blessed us because we had lost our parents at a very young age I have only seen pictures  of our parents  but our uncle said that they loved each other a lot and that's why they had such a tragic ending

As we entered the pack I could smell the werewolves and I unintentionally blocked my pheromones out it was just a way to protect myself

Most of the people of our pack didn't know that I was an omega they think that I didn't have any scent and was a beta
And I didn't feel to correct their misunderstanding and nor did my family as we entered through the door I saw our uncle standing happily at the door

"Hello my babies!!! " changmin said pulling us in a hug that I felt was too strong  as I could feel my lungs getting not any air
But I didn't mind it I missed his hug his warmth.....
Then he hugged us separetly he used to always do that first Jaeui and then me . I was sad because  Jaeui was first but our uncle was a typical Asian as he said elders first... But after time I was happy andhe pleased me as, I felt he used to hug me longer than jaeui

As he hugged  me he looked dissapointed
"Are you still blocking your phermones?? you still feel insecure about it.
It's alright  no one is gonna do anything  to you I will always protect you it's not going to be like the last time" he said his eyes glowing  showing his determination

As I pulled myself away from the hug I looked at him and said "I know you will and I did it without  knowing  , afterwards.... after I feel comfortable  then tell the pack members about it" I said at him looking nervous

He hugged me again
"Take as much time as you want, I will  always  be with you and so will your brother, isn't it  right jaeui??... " he asked

"Yeah always and forever  my baby brother " he said which made us all burst out laughing.

"OK ,you guys go freshen up and I will  meet you at the dinner table I have cooked a lot of your favorites" uncle said

The dinner table was set like a buffet and I and J ate like we had been  starving for years .Then our uncle dropped the bomb by saying "Tommrow we are going to meet with my mate and their family before I introduce him  as our pack luna"

I just nodded
"If he becomes our packs Luna who is gonna be the alpha of his pack??" Jaeui asked
" His younger brother will be the alpha who is his only family, my mate lost  his parents as they were attacked by a feral wolf"
Uncle said

We both were shocked after listening  to it and before we could say anything  uncle continued by saying "He and his brother  were so shocked by the death of their father that his younger brother had left the pack for revenge of his parents .... He killed the wolf that had killed his parents but he didn't return  to his pack he stayed there killing rouges and ferals with the black claw pack "

"The black claw pack!!! I heard they are the most uncivilized pack as they stay in their wolf form most of the time and only shift to humans when needed  so he has also been like them?? " jaeui asked

"Yes, and he is also returning to his pack when he found that his brother found his mate . so you guys don't be shocked and better give him space  when you meet them ...take it as a request" uncle said

"Who and all are going to be there tomorrow??"  I asked
"Just my mate his brother and their pack guards and his beta and some members of our pack" he replied

My wolf was pacing front and back feeling nervous about Tommorow but I decided  not to think much about it and see how it goes.

Hey guyssss

I just finished  writing the first episode  I'm excited about continuing it

This was just about Taeui's family
They have still not met I'm still excited when Ilay first meets taeui

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