Chapter 14

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Third's person pov

Taeui was standing in the fighting ring with Abel. They were staring at each other none of them trying to move first, there were two rounds  first was a physical  and the second was the phermones

"Stop this alpha, Taeui is a omega he can't handle Avel" Rita says worried about the fight as it might result in their Luna getting hurt

"Don't worry Rita,he is a dominant omega" Ilay says looking at Rita with a smirk on his face

"A dominant?? Shut up!  It's my first time seeing an dominant omega" Rita says looking at Taeui with amusement many heads were turned to Rita's direction as she spoke too loudly

"Now just shut up and let me enjoy this fight" Ilay says  with a wide grin in his face

"What you gonna stand there the whole day? Are you scared of fighting an omega" Taeui provokes Abel

Abel was angry and he looked just was like an angry bull, he ran towards Taeui and landed the punch on Taeui's abdomen,there was a loud gasp in the crowd and it had hurt Taeui he lost his balance for a while and he staggered a little

Taeui also simultaneously landed a punch in Avel's face resulting in breaking his nose

"What the fuck? I see you have trained well" Abel says now snapping his nose back to its original position which was now bleeding

Taeui then moved towards Abel and he kicked him with his feet which Abel had blocked easily with his forearms and the fight had continued and both of them were equally hurt and it would keep on continuing till someone had  lost their life as it seems that their strength was on the same par

"Enough! this round is a tie  let's go the next round" says the referee as the first round had taken up to an hour and was still going on the end was not to be seen

"Okay" they both say in union

Rita was now beside Taeui giving him water to rehydrate himself and also a towel  to wipe of some of the blood the second round was going to start in a few minutes and Taeui could feel Ilay stare him intently he turned towards him and smiled to show he was alright and he needn't worry

"Let's start" says Avel and everyone thought that in this round Avel would win easily because he was an alpha and an alphas phermones were more stronger than an omega's,most of the pack members were cheering for Abel and very few were feeling bad for Taeui as they knew that he didn't have a chance to win against him

Abel started emitting his phermones, his phermones were powerful and fatal to his opponent he had trained himself by making his phermones strong, it can suffocate anyone and then lose their consciousness and when they least expect it he goes for the kill just like a predator

Taeui also emited his phermones, his phermones were strong and he could control anybody by his power, Avel's phermones didn't even hurt Taeui as he had blocked his phermones, Taeui slowly started increasing the power of his phermones and it also started affecting the people around the fight making alphas lose their control most of the betas were now on the floor and omega's were also cowering because of Abel's pheromones

"Move back If you don't want to be affected by it" says Rita as the most people looking at the fight also started showing and kneeling in response to the phermones

"So how are you feeling ? 
Is an omega's pheromones to much for you to handle"
Taeui says slowly moving towards Abel who is now kneeling in the ground not able to control himself

"Is it too much to handle??
For a strong alpha like you?"
Taeui asks mockingly, he wrapped his hands around Avel's neck and lifted him up, Taeui lifted his arms up and Avel was now floating in the air and trying to remove Taeui's grip on his neck

"I l-lose" he says chokeing and not being able to breathe, Abel had now become red his face becoming pale because of his lack of oxygen and Taeui looked like it didn't matter to him

"Enough" Ilay voice booms stopping Taeui who was in a trance

Taeui drops Abel and he falls on the ground

"Is this your best. Next time don't underestimate an omega!" Taeui says now dusting the dirt in his arms and walking away from the crowd

"Woahh that was so cool" Rita says now putting her arms around Taeui

"And by the way the alpha wanted to meet you, so I'll drop you to his office after completing our tour okay?" Rita asks and Taeui nods in agreement

'Knock knock'

"Come in" Ilay says and Taeui walks inside

"Hope you didn't mind the fight" Taeui asks rubbing his neck with his arms

Taeui did not want to disappoint Ilay he had hoped that Ilay  would be proud of him rather than dissapointment
He had started looking for Ilay's recognition and that made him feel giddy

"I did not, and I knew that you would win" Ilay says  folding his arms

"Oh really!!!, you have too much trust in your mate I guess" Taeui mocks him and he froze because Taeui and Ilay had not been talking the mate topic but it was more of Taeui trying to avoid it

"Yeah I did and by the way my mate looked hot I just wanted to kiss him right there" Ilay says teasing Taeui

"Ohh please you are making me blush" Taeui replys sarcastically

"No really I wanted everyone to know that  you are mine and no-one can take you away from me"
Taeui blushes by Ilay's comment and his heart was beating fast feeling happy that his mate was proud of him and also feeling good about Ilay's possiveness

This sudden warmth and support he felt by another person other than family had proved that their bond was finally getting better and Taeui was not bothered by it at all which was opposite to his expectations

If anyone would have told him that he would start falling for Ilay he would not believe them at all rather would have thought that they were sick or mad to even think that

It's been such  a long time since I had last updated the chapter hope you guys enjoy it
And let me know how you feel about this storyline would love to add your thoughts too!!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It's been such  a long time since I had last updated the chapter hope you guys enjoy itAnd let me know how you feel about this storyline would love to add your thoughts too!!!!!

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