Mission 2: Locate a Wife

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The hallway of the hotel was silent and empty, the woman's own footsteps the only sounds ringing through the place, but even those were practically silent. Most of the hallway had been rented out for the night, although a few of the rooms were planned to be used.

Privacy was important when handling sensitive business, they didn't want to attract unneeded attention. Unfortunately, when that business was treason, they wound up just painting a target on their back.

To make matters worse for them, that target was now in the sights of an organization few could stand against and that even fewer knew about. The organization was only known as 'Garden,' and its members were expert assassins, each one expertly trained in the art of slaughtering those deemed a threat to peace. They didn't ask questions, they simply received their targets, or rather, clients, and acted.

The woman continued her silent stroll down the hallway, soon finding herself standing before two men. Each was fairly muscular and both were armed, albeit subtly tucked into pockets and folds. The woman's well-trained eye spotted it immediately, but it was hardly a cause for concern.

Neither of these two were a threat.

The men seemed a bit confused but nonchalantly explained, "Miss, the whole floor's been rented out tonight. Head on down to some other floor."

The woman's face remained firm and unmoving, her crimson red eyes piercing through the strands of black hair that partially blocked them. "I'm afraid my business is on this floor, sir."

The first guard turned to his partner, silently whispering, "Did someone call for a woman? It's a bit early for that, don't ya' think?"

The woman shook her head and subtly reached to where two stiletto needles were kept hidden in her clothes as she muttered, "You misunderstand me. I heard there was an infestation up here... I came to clean up the mess."

The men's confusion was silenced by two stilettos piercing through their necks, stabbing into their windpipes and simultaneously silencing any screams. A pair of loud thud noises echoed as their bodies fell to the ground.

The woman continued walking as if nothing had happened, but the guards were alerted, many running around the corner as quickly as they could, where all they were greeted with were two men dead and bleeding out on the ground, and a woman stained with their blood approaching them at a modest pace.

The two guards that had turned the corner were startled, but quickly raised their silenced pistols, firing two bullets at the female, both aimed at her head. She raised her arm, both bullets merely bouncing against it faintly glowed. The two soldiers stood in shock at her apparent superhuman durability, their minds realizing that they were dealing with a person with magic.

Before the guards could gather their resolve and continue their attacks, the woman dashed forward, the stilettos in her hands beginning to faintly glow as she swiftly stabbed the one in her left hand into the front of the first guard's neck. Swiftly rotating her body in a circle, the woman dodged another bullet as her right hand stabbed her other stiletto into the side of the other guard's neck, killing him as well within seconds.

The woman now turned and glanced down the hallway, several guards panicked at the situation yet quickly sprung to action. Unfortunately for them, they were hardly quick enough. There was a faint glimpse of a glow around the woman's legs as she dashed at the guards, the two guards in front almost immediately gushing out blood as she slashed them both inwards with a single motion of both her weapons.

As her arms crossed, she returned them back to her sides, slapping the last guard with her backhand as she did so, launching him through the door to where her target was.

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