Mission 3: 'Ooting'

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"THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK YOU'VE HAD ME HAUL HEAVY SHIT UP FOUR FUCKING FLOORS!" Franky screeched as he heaved a set of boxes onto the ground as Loid stood nearby, having already finished carrying up his set of boxes.

"You're the one who came over when I was trying to help Yor move in asking for me to give you one of my disguises," Loid muttered, prompting Franky to shut up rather quickly.

"Just how did you find a wife that quickly anyways?" Franky inquired, mostly curious for his own sake.

"It was just convenient for both of us. This marriage is purely fake though. Did you get the marriage documents forged?" Loid questioned.

"Yeah, I'll have it later. Swing by tonight and pick it up. Return those mana detectors by then if you're done with 'em though. I'm still charging you extra for this as well."

Loid nodded, "Alright. Thank you, Franky."

"Don't mention it... But that's not an invitation for you to keep calling me over for this stuff! I'm an informant, not some servant!"

"You're the one who came over first..." Loid muttered as Franky left, huffing and puffing.

Yor walked in right as Franky walked out of the apartment, looking at him as he stormed off. She carried in the last of her own boxes, gently placing them on the ground. "It was nice of your friend to help out, what did he want anyways?"

"Nothing important. I'm having him get our lawyer friend to get marriage documents to say we've been married for a year so that it doesn't seem like we got married just for the interview. Does that work out with you?" Loid asked.

Yor nodded, "Yep! Although I'll have to explain to my brother why I didn't tell him about my marriage for a whole year..."

"Wouldn't it be smart to just tell him the truth that unmarried women are suspicious?" Loid inquired.

Yor shook her head, "There's no way my brother would be happy if he found out I didn't marry someone I actually loved... Don't worry, if it ever comes up, I'll handle it!"

"If you say so. We'll make the guest bedroom into yours, but when visitors come over we'll both stay in my room so it's not suspicious."

Yor nodded, "Right! O-Oh and Loid, I almost forgot but for the interview, I don't really have any clothes to wear for it..."

"It's fine, we'll head over to the tailors today, I need to pick up some outfits for Anya and Tanya anyways. I was also planning on doing some activities to prepare for the interview itself," Loid stated.

Anya happily bounced up to Yor, exclaiming, "Welcome to Anya's house! I will show you around!"

Yor politely smiled. "Thank you for the lovely welcome Anya!"

Anya pointed at Tanya sitting on a chair "There we have the Tanya. She's boring."

"Ey Who's boring and what do you mean the Tanya!" Tanya shouted out from across the room.

Anya ignored her, leading Yor all around the house and into the various rooms, explaining what various things were for and the rules for them. Tanya merely grumbled to herself and returned to her book, content with learning about the Unified States' perspective on herself.

Loid began to carry some of Yor's boxes into her room, and as he passed by Tanya he asked, "You mentioned going to the tailor's, right? The new clothes we're getting wouldn't happen to be dresses... right?"

"We're supposed to look and act like a traditional upper-class family. Unfortunately, that means dressing like them too. You're just going to have to deal with dresses for a bit," Loid explained.

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