Night One

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Chapter 2: Night One"Why did Y/n always tell me to stay away from this place?"

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Chapter 2: Night One
"Why did Y/n always tell me to stay away from this place?"

"Abby shouldn't hopefully cause you too much trouble, there's food in the fridge if she asks fo-""Mike, we'll be okay. Just.. be safe, okay?" Michael looked at me with a soft smile, his tense figure calming ever so slightly. His eyes told me there was something he didn't want me knowing, but I shrugged it off. 

He nodded and walked over to me, wrapping me in a gentle hug. My arms wrapped around his torso as his around my shoulder as he pulled me into his chest. "If you need anything call me. I left my office number on a sticky note on the fridge." Michael mentioned as he pulled away and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I nodded in return and tipped up to give him a kiss. He leaned down a bit and kissed me back. "I love you." I said softly as we pulled away from the kiss. "I love you too." He replied with a sigh as he backed away and grabbed his keys from the key hanger by the door.

He walked towards the door and threw me a quick smile before turning and shutting the door. As I walked over to lock the door behind him, I could hear his car starting and it slowly fading off in the near distance.

A small sigh came from me as I plopped down onto the couch. My hands reached over snatching the TV remote and I turned it on to scroll through some channels.

It was decently late but I wasn't quite tired just yet. But the more I swapped the channels, the more I actually realized how boring this night was really going to be.

Let's just hope I grow tired..

Michael's POV
The drive was semi quick, I knew how to get there by memory by the amount of times Y/n and I have gone there. Or at least I've accompanied her there. The more I drove, the more I noticed the building begin to come into frame.

As I pulled into the parking lot, the same aura I got from the place before began to hit me. I shut the car off and took the key out as I stepped out of the drivers seat. The night was quiet and crickets were chirping as I took out the keys to the main door. Unlocking it with shaky hands.

The door creeped open and it wasn't long before I was past the doors and shutting them behind me. My eyes grazed down where I saw shards of glass that were scattered around the floor. My face scrunched at this as I kicked it aside and shoved my way through.

I entered the first place I noticed and managed to walk myself into, which was on the right where it led to a sort of restaurant diner. The place seemed dull, and didn't seem much like a kids place. Not much to be seen. The colors of the supposedly joyous restaurant seemed empty, and almost seem to have lost their purpose. I took out a flashlight I had in my pocket, and shined around. For the most part, it was neatly organized. 

The more I wandered into the diner, the more I began to see why this place held so much meaning. The window to order food was covered off by the steel barrier they pulled down, so you couldn't see the inside. I began to walk further and saw a huge stage, the curtains were purple, and they looked sort of like theater curtains.

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