Character Introduction & Prologue

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Rana Family

Aashutosh Singh Rana - Head of Rana family

Akash Singh Rana - Eldest Son of Rana family

Raghvendra Singh Rana - Middle son of Rana family

Arnika Singh Rana - Youngest child and single daughter child in Rana family (Naina - Daughter of Akriti)

Rudrani Singh Rana - Mother of Akash, Raghuvendra and Akriti, Wife of Aashutosh.

Raghuwanshi Family

Agastya Raghuwanshi - Eldest and single son of Raghuvanshi family, a self made billionaire and father of one

Aradhna Raghuwanshi - Mother of Agastya, Head of Raghuwanshi family.

Paritosh / Ritosh Raghuwanshi - son of Agastya and his first wife Prachi.


The dark cloud greeted mother earth by showering water on her, the mouthwatering smell of wet soil made her peek out of the window of her room and look at the rain longingly, being a girl who loves rain and not being able to enjoy even a drop of it was a pure torture for her but she couldn't go against her family not when they have her two year old beautiful baby with them.

Arnika looked out at the large iron gate standing proudly at 800 meter distance from her family mansion, she couldn't remember the last time she has even crossed it in last two and half year because she hasn't, not even once, from the day she was bought here by her brother she is locked inside these four walls of her room as her punishment of going against her family, even though she doesn't regret running away and living a year of her life as per her wish but she regret doing it with a man who was with her to get equal with her father not because he loved her like she has thought, looking outside at the rain bought the memory of that rainy night, the same night when her late ex husband has confessed before he was murdered by her brother and she was dragged here her brother, even after how much has taken place at that one cold night Arnika couldn't find herself to hate these drops of happiness.

The door of her room flung open and when she look at the door to look at the person she found her mother standing there with her daughter in arms, her heart ached in pain when she saw her two year old throwing her hand up and down and wiggling in her grandmother grip and crying her lungs out, Arnika opened her mouth to say something but closed it shut not wanting to anger her mother when she has her daughter in her arms.

"I don't know what this brat will take to calm down" Rudrani placed the little girl down on floor who was quick to take her tiny steps towards her mother with tears rolling down her cheeks, Arnika didn't waste a minute in walking on her knees to her daughter and embracing her in a hug before breaking out in a sob, it's been two days since she got to see and meet her daughter, she clutched the girl close to her chest and rocked to and fro to calm her daughter down.

"Nainu, shh! Mumma is here baby" She whispered rocking her baby back and forth, the little girl hiccuped placing her head on her mother's shoulder and shedding more tears breaking Arnika's heart.

"Naina..." Before she could talk to her daughter more her mother interrupted

"We are going out for dinner till then keep this child with you only, we don't want to take her with us and answer other's about who is she?" Her mother spoke glaring at her, with her eyes down Arnika nodded her head but inside she was ecstatic knowing that her daughter will be with her even if it's only for some counted hours, but she will be there with her only for her without anyone's interruption, in time like this she feels as if her mother doesn't hate her as much as she shows but again everytime she gets her hopes up her mother proves her wrong by doing things like taking away her daughter from her, forcing her to do things she doesn't want to which includes the home dates with her friend's son or attending the parties hosted by Ranas and lying to everyone.

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