Unspoken Echoes: Trials of Family Ties

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The dinner with the Ahujas wasn't a silent affair. Mr. Rana and Mr. Ahuja kept talking about business and money, while Mrs. Rana and Mrs. Ahuja also found a topic about the latest fashion show in Jaipur and chatted about it. Similarly, Rudra was involved in a conversation with Vineet, where he shared details about his upcoming deal with Agastya Raghuwanshi. Throughout all this, Arnika was lost in her thoughts, barely touching the food on her plate.

"Arnika," a voice called her from her left side, but she was too engrossed in her thoughts to pay any attention.

"Arnika," someone called from her left again, but this time the voice had a rough edge, startling her and causing her to drop her spoon.

"Yes," she replied, looking around to find everyone's eyes on her, including her parents'. For a moment, her eyes met her brother's, and she wasn't sure if she was mistaken, but she saw a flash of worry in them before it was masked by the usual nonchalant look he always had while looking at her.

"You weren't eating; I assumed you had zoned out," Vineet said with a soft smile on his lips. In response, Arnika only nodded and went back to her plate. She picked up the same spoon she had just dropped, took a spoonful of rice, brought it to her mouth, and started eating. Seeing her eat, everyone went back to their plates and the conversations they were having a while ago.

After dinner and dessert, the Ahuja left the Rana mansion. Alone in the living room with her family, Arnika noticed her father and mother starting to move away without sparing a glance her way. Gathering courage, she finally spoke before they could leave.

"Maa, I'm not okay with lying to them. I'm not ready to leave Naina behind and start a life without her," she confessed without daring to look up, feeling the weight of their gazes on her.

"No one asked what you want and what you're ready for, Arnika," her mother replied angrily.

"Maa, what if they find out after the marriage? It will ruin the family's name," Arnika purposely invoked the name of her family, knowing how much her parents and brother cared about it.

A chuckle escaped Rudra's mouth, gaining her attention. "See who is talking about the family name, the one who ran away with a dirt just because she was too desperate for love, the one who didn't leave a stone unturned to ruin the name of this family." The words were bitter but true, leaving Arnika with no response to her brother's accusations.

"If anyone accepts you and Naina together, then you will marry the guy," all eyes turned towards the source of the voice in shock. It was Mr. Rana who had spoken. Arnika felt a wave of relief, her father, who hadn't spoken to her since they brought her back, was finally addressing her. Her eyes welled up, and she nodded.

"What do you expect us to tell them? That you ran away with the guy who wanted to get back at Me for something and has a child with him?" Mr. Rana asked, his cold glare directed at her. Arnika shivered and shed tears in shame.

"I am sorry, Papa. I was a fool. I am extremely sorry," she sobbed, expressing remorse for her actions. However, Mr. Rana spat angrily, "Don't call me that," and stormed away from the living room without sparing her another glance.

"Papa," she cried from behind, but he didn't turn back. Little did Arnika know, she deserved every bit of their anger and hatred.

"Naina will be sleeping with you tonight," her mother announced before following her father out of the room. Arnika stayed on the floor, tears streaming down her face.

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