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brinny 💗
lily baby 🎀
12:45 pm

brinny 💗

are you busy rn

i miss you

lily baby 🎀

chris is over rn

brinny 💗
chris is always over when
i ask to hang out

lily baby 🎀

no he's not

brinny 💗
the past month and a half
he's been with you

i never see you anymore

lily baby 🎀
what are you talking about

no he hasn't

brinny 💗
yes lily, he has

when was the last time we hung out

lily baby 🎀

not that long ago

brinny 💗
yes that long ago

the last time we hung out was after
me and liv got back from my

lily baby 🎀
really ?!

well why don't you ask in advance

brinny 💗
cause everytime i've tried youve
said no cause you and chris had
something planned

lily baby 🎀

that's not true

brinny 💗
yes it is

you canceled on the girls shopping
trip cause chris wanted to hang out

lily baby 🎀
okay but that was one time

brinny 💗
and the time before that you said
you couldn't go because you and
chris were already hanging out

its like you're dating him and you aren't
telling us anything

lily baby 🎀

you and liv both know everything

brinny 💗
no we don't

everytime we ask what happens
you switch the subject

lily baby 🎀
well i don't even know what we are

so what am i supposed to tell you?

brinny 💗
nevermind delilah

just let me know when you're free

we can plan something with liv ig
read 1:30 pm

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