Past Part 16

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(Timeline where Arjun was transferred to Boston from NY)

New Delhi

Days rolled by, and Naina engrossed herself in her studies and graduated with flying colors...

She was planning to pursue masters in business administration, hence was preparing for it's entrance, as she wanted to be an entrepreneur..

However things weren't good between Naina & Arjun, although the skype chats ceased, Arjun would still text her, But now, they hardly talk...

Naina was hurt, because of his ignorance, It's not the matter of time, but priorities... And she realized that she's not his priority anymore, or never was !

Because he was still in touch with Jai, Sid but not her, She was not able to comprehend what went wrong.....

Why did he suddenly broke all the contacts only with her...? What did she do...

Naina spent countless nights thinking and crying for him...

Afterall one sided feelings hurts, But eventually she decided to let it go and involved herself in different activities so that she can stop thinking about him...

Whenever her friends would talk about what Arjun said to them in his recent calls or texts, She would either walk away from there, or would divert the topic...

She was angry with him... but unfortunately was unable to hate or develop bitter feelings...

As a result, From last few months Naina would hardly talk to anyone, didn't fight with anyone, became a very quiet person, while everyone around her laughed & joked...

This didn't go unnoticed by Radhika.. so she decided to confront Naina...

Rads and Naina were walking towards their home, it was the Valentines eve, which Naina hated like anything, She was already in bitter mood, because of that stupid guy who irritated her

Normally Naina would ask Arjun for his advice, like how to avoid with those guys or would've asked him to deal with them...

But he was not her best friend anymore, She even doubted whether he considered her as his friend or not, She missed him, looks like engrossing herself in multiple activities didn't help her forgetting him at all...!

Both of them walked in silence with Naina lost in thoughts...

'Naina, Are you okay...?' Rads asked

'Perfectly fine Rads, Why do you ask..?' She replied

'I've being observing you from a very long time, and can say that something is bothering you...' Rads says

'It's nothing...'

'Is it about... Arjun..' Rads hesitated

'What about Arjun....?' Naina asked irritated

'This, This irritation of yours ! this is what I am talking about, Why do you get so angry when someone mentions  him..why do you ignore any talks related to him,  I know it must be agonizing for you to hear about his affairs, I mean you had feelings...' Rads continued but Naina cut her off in between..

'I used to like him Rads, past tense, but not now...' she replied coolly

'Really..' Rads raised her eyebrow

'YES Really...' Naina gets angry now

'So this means if he has a girlfriend.. it wouldn't bother you....' Rads asked

Naina tensed 'Why are we discussing about him anyway..'

'Answer my question Naina..!'

'No it won't...' She breathed

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