Past Part 1

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There is something about Childhood friends you just can't replace...
-Lisa Welch

New Delhi

Naina's POV

'Ladies & gentleman, please welcome with a huge round of applause, the youngest woman skipper Naina...

Wake up..!! Wake up !! The crowd cheered...

Huh? Wake up ??

And the announcer continued

Naina is one of the best wicketkeeper !!!!

WAKE UP...!!

Huh.. Again...??

Naina...!!! Naina...!!! Naina...!!!! The crowd chanted...

Wake up..!!! Wake up...!!! Wake up...!!

MS Dhoni was about to shake my hand.....

******Splash *******

'Mummy...!!!! MUMMY... MUMMY... FLOOD, TSUNAMI....LANDSLIDE.....' I woke up shouting and soaked ??

My bed is wet.. I'm wet...!!!

What the hell... MSD was about to shake my hand and now I'm in my bed drenched...??

Ohh.. It was a dream...

No shit sherlock..!

Shut up...!! Arrrgghh

I Hate talking to myself.. I hate my bed being wet... 😩😩😩

What the hell..!! Who did this....?

I wipe my face just to see my irritating brother smirking at me..

'Wake up you sleeping shrek..!! ' he sang

'Bhaiyya....!!!! What the... Is this a way to wake someone up....Wait I'll complain to dad !'  I yell

'Dad asked me to wake you up ! Get up now !!! It's already 9, your stupid girlfriend Radhika is calling...' he walked away from my room

'She's not my girlfriend...!!!! besides you have a GIRLFRIEND SHRUTIKA DI, I SAW YOU BOTH.... '

He came back running and covered my mouth..

'Shut up shut up.. What if dad hears that... You promised you won't open your mouth...' he hissed

I bit his hand 'Aarrrgghhh! you wild girl' he yelped and removed it

'You disturbed my precious dream and from last three days you didn't  make any effort to keep it shut...' I get up

Its all damp, Ugh

He huffed 'Stop sulking, I'll get your  chocolates in evening...'

' And Icecream... '

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