03 } The Male Tribute of District 12

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"Here's some advice. Stay alive." - Haymitch Abernathy

" - Haymitch Abernathy

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THE SCHOOL BELL rang, signaling the end of another day. Ten-year-old Aurora, her backpack bouncing as she walked, eagerly followed her thirteen-year-old sister Josie and their twelve-year-old friend Jessup. The trio made their way along the familiar path home, with Aurora bubbling with excitement.

Aurora chatted animatedly to Jessup about her day, her words tumbling out in a rapid stream. She asked him about everything from schoolwork to what he thought about the latest game they played at recess. Jessup, patient and attentive, listened with a smile, nodding and occasionally responding to Aurora's eager questions.

As they neared the Grace house, Jessup turned to Josie. "Would you like to go to the market with me?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of nervousness.

Josie hesitated, her gaze shifting to Aurora. She seemed torn between wanting to go and not wanting to leave her younger sister alone.

Noticing Josie's hesitation, Jessup looked down at Aurora with a gentle smile. "Hey, Rory, would you like to come along to the market too?" he asked kindly.

Aurora's face lit up with joy, her eyes sparkling. She enthusiastically nodded her head, thrilled at the idea of joining them. "Yes, I'd love to go!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

With a new plan, the three of them altered their direction, setting off towards the market. Josie and Jessup walked together, while Aurora, her joy unrestrained, skipped ahead, leading the way.


"The District Twelve boy tribute is Jessup Diggs."

Aurora's heart sank at the mention of the name. Jessup and Josie had once been inseparable as classmates and best friends. They started to hang out less when Josie started taking on more responsibilities with Aunt Muriel, and then Jessup starting his work in the mines. However, unlike Jessup, Josie was beyond the age of eligibility for the reaping by a few months.

Aurora's gaze shifted towards the back of the crowd, where the adults exempt from the reaping were gathered. There, she spotted Josie standing next to Aunt Muriel. Josie appeared visibly shaken, tears in her eyes. Her face was flushed, a sign of her struggle to restrain her sobs.

The pain of potentially losing both her sister and her best friend to the cruel fate of the games was etched clearly on her face. And there was nothing she could do about it.

When Jessup went up the stage, his eyes met Aurora's. He offered her a sweet, reassuring smile, an attempt to offer her some comfort despite his own fear. But Aurora could see the truth behind his smile; his stance was slightly unsteady, a faint tremor betraying his apprehension.

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