Chapter #16

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As the cheers and applause echoed through the stands after the conclusion of the first task, a sudden disturbance erupted. Alexia found herself being dragged out of the stands by stern-faced individuals clad in Ministry robes. Confusion clouded her expression as she glanced back at Ron and Hermione, both wearing concerned looks.

The Ministry representatives made it clear that the Minister himself wanted a word with her. Unsure of what had transpired, Alexia exchanged a quick, questioning look with her friends before reluctantly following the Ministry officials.

Led away from the stands by the Ministry officials, Alexia couldn't help but exchange bewildered glances with Ron and Hermione again. As she walked with the officials through the maze of the stadium to a tent, questions raced through her mind. What could the Ministry want with her?

Upon reaching the designated meeting area, Alexia was ushered into a room where Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, awaited. His stern expression gave away little, and Alexia nervously stepped forward.

"Miss Jackson," the Minister began, looking at her with a scrutinizing gaze. "I understand you have some unusual magical abilities. Ancient Magic, is it? The Ancient Magic is an exceedingly rare and powerful force," he began, his tone carrying the weight of centuries of wizarding history. "The last known wielder of this magic was over a hundred years ago."

Fudge, his expression stern yet intrigued, continued, "Given the significance of the Ancient Magic, we need to understand its capabilities. We would like you to demonstrate it, Ms. Jackson."

Alexia, her brow furrowing, met Fudge's gaze. "The Ancient Magic will reveal itself when I turn fifteen," she responded, her voice carrying a mix of determination and frustration.

Minister Fudge's stern expression tightened as he accused Alexia of falsehoods. "You shouldn't have claimed to be the wielder of the Ancient Magic, Ms. Jackson. Such a proclamation carries great weight and cannot be taken lightly."

Alexia, offended by the accusation, retorted, "I never said that! Someone's spreading private information about me. Rita Skeeter has been invading my privacy, twisting my words."

Fudge, unimpressed, demanded proof. "Show me evidence of Rita Skeeter's involvement. Accusing a journalist of such actions without evidence is a serious matter."

Alexia, frustrated by the lack of tangible proof, found herself at a disadvantage. "I don't have proof at the moment, but she's been hounding me, twisting everything I say. She's been doing the same with Harry! You have to believe me."

Despite Alexia's earnest plea, Minister Fudge remained sceptical and unyielding. "Enough of these baseless claims, Ms. Jackson. Stop spreading false information and keep your... relationships, various as they may be, in private," he warned, his tone firm and dismissive.

Frustration and indignation welled up within Alexia as the weight of the false accusations and the Minister's disbelief pressed upon her. Feeling defeated and disheartened, she left the tent, the ambient murmurs of the Ministry lingering in the air. The wizarding world's perception of her and the truth of the Ancient Magic remained uncertain, as Alexia grappled with the consequences of a confrontation that left her integrity in question.

As Alexia stepped out of the tent, frustration and uncertainty lingering, a sudden chill ran down her spine. The familiar voice in her head whispered urgently, echoing in her ear, "Do not trust the Ministry of Magic."

Caught between the mysterious guidance of the Ancient Magic and the authoritative scepticism of the Ministry, Alexia found herself at a crossroads.

The remnants of the crowd dispersing into the night, she decided to make her way back to the common room in search of her friends. However, her path was abruptly interrupted by the unmistakable figure of Pansy Parkinson, her expression etched with fury.

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