Chapter #22

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What started as a nice chat between Harry and Alexia, turned into chaos when Harry told her what happened at the lake with Victor Krum and Hermione.

Alexia's fury simmers beneath the surface, a tempest of conflicting emotions churning within her. The thought of Hermione being chosen as the hostage thrust into the dangerous depths of the lake, ignites a fierce protectiveness within Alexia, a primal instinct to shield her beloved from harm at any cost.

Yet, alongside her anger at the judges' choice, Alexia finds herself grappling with a tumult of emotions directed toward Hermione herself. The knowledge that Hermione willingly accepted the role of hostage, placing herself in harm's way for the sake of the Triwizard Tournament, fuels Alexia's frustration and disappointment.

As she paces the corridors of Hogwarts, consumed by a whirlwind of anger and hurt, Alexia struggles to make sense of the tangled web of emotions entwining her heart. With each passing moment, the weight of her fury threatens to consume her, clouding her judgment and clouding her vision of the world around her.

Caught between the fierce protectiveness for Hermione and the seething resentment toward Victor Krum's role in the unfolding drama, Alexia finds herself at a crossroads, torn between her loyalty to her girlfriend and her desire to lash out against those who would dare to endanger her.

Alexia arrives at Gryffindor Tower and goes straight to her dormitory, luckily it is empty, as pretty much everybody is still around, talking about the second task.

In the quiet sanctuary of Alexia's bedroom, tension hangs thick in the air, palpable and heavy as Hermione stands before her minutes later after Alexia had arrived, her heart heavy with regret. Alexia's arms are crossed tightly over her chest, her expression stern and unyielding as she listens to Hermione's earnest apologies.

"Hermione, I—" Alexia begins, her voice tight with frustration, but Hermione interrupts her, her own voice filled with remorse.

"I know, Alex, I know I messed up," Hermione says, her words tumbling out in a rush as she takes a hesitant step forward. "I should never have agreed to be part of the second task without talking to you first. I was so focused on proving myself, on showing that I could handle whatever the tournament threw at me, that I didn't stop to think about how it would affect you."

Alexia's expression softens slightly at Hermione's words, her anger tempered by the raw vulnerability she hears in her girlfriend's voice. With a heavy sigh, she uncrosses her arms and takes a tentative step closer to Hermione, her eyes searching Hermione's face for any sign of sincerity.

"I didn't feel a thing, I promise" Hermione continues, her voice trembling slightly as she reaches out to gently cup Alexia's cheek in her hand. "I'm okay, I'm perfectly fine."

At Hermione's admission, Alexia's resolve wavers, her anger melting away in the face of Hermione's honesty. She reaches up to cover Hermione's hand with her own, her touch gentle and reassuring as she looks into Hermione's eyes, seeing the depth of emotion reflected there.

"I know, Hermione, I know," Alexia murmurs softly, her voice tender as she brushes her thumb across Hermione's cheek. "...I just, well... You know how dangerous water can be."

A small smile tugs at the corners of Hermione's lips as she stands on her tiptoes to press a gentle kiss against Alexia's forehead, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for the girl standing before her.

As their lips part from the tender kiss, Hermione's gaze searches Alexia's eyes, seeking answers to the unspoken questions that linger between them. Sensing Hermione's inquiry, Alexia hesitates, her own emotions tumultuous and conflicted.

whispers (h.g x fem oc) book 2Where stories live. Discover now