Just your normal Wednesday

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Lexi's POV

I wake up to a text for Easton asking if it was okay if he drove me to school. This is so cute.

Usually when I moved to a new place I barely made any friends, but here was different. Not only have I made some friends, I now have a boyfriend too.

I get ready as usual and wait until Easton pulls up my driveway. I see him arrive through the window and walk through the front door soon after.

He gets out of the car and walks over to the passenger side to open my door for me. Such a gentleman.

"Hey beautiful," he says, while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey handsome," I reply, while stepping into his car.

He closes the door after me and walks back over to the drivers side and got in the car. He carefully backs out of the driveway before taking one hand off the wheel in order to hold mine.

The drive to school is mostly silent and when we get there I give him a quick peck before heading in the direction of my first class.

As soon as I entered homeroom I sit down next to Kayla. "Hey," I say to her.

In response she only looks at me and turns back to talking to some guy in front of her. What did I do to her?

It went on like that for the rest of the day. At lunch Kayla was nowhere to be found. I had to sit with some of the other girls from the cheerleading team and some football guys.

Although Logan no longer sat at the same table after his embarrassing and very public break up with Willow some of his friends still did.

Brook, Matt, and the rest of them were nice, don't get me wrong, but it was different without Kayla.

I could have sat with Easton, but it's weird being the only girl at the table and having to listen to all the insensitive guy talk.

The day moved faster after lunch and soon I am on my way to Biology. As I grab my books from my locker, Willow suddenly appears beside me. "Hey New Girl."

"I thought you hated me," I say, taken aback by her friendliness.

"I did."

"What changed?" I question.

"I realized why I didn't like you," she answers vaguely.

"Care to enlighten me?"

"Nope," she states plainly and starts walking in the direction of our class.

"Okay...I guess," I reply hesitantly, following after her. "Do you need something?"

"I can't just hang out with my friend?"

"We're friends?" I ask confused. To this she gives me a look that says duh.

"Are you and Kayla playing a game here? 'Cause she won't talk to me and now you suddenly want to be friends."

We enter the class and sit down at our table before she answers me. "Kayla is just mad that you're dating Easton. She hates him more than me, but don't worry she'll come around."

"Why does she hate him?"

"She blames him for something that happened last year."

"Does it have anything to do with Margot," I ask curiously. I watch as all the color drained from Willow's face. Suddenly she looks sad instead of her typical enthusiastic self.

"What?" I ask seeing her reaction to what I said.

"Yes. It does."

"But what happened with Margot?"

"All you need to know is that Margot was Kayla and I's best friend growing up. Then she started dating Easton and had to move away. Kayla blames my brother and is just worried that the same thing will happen to you," she explains.

"Is he really that bad?"

"Look," Willow says, turning to me. "Easton has his problems. He's not the best guy out there, but he's not the devil incarnate like Kayla so eloquently puts it. Things with Margot were very complicated and it's not his fault. If you want to date him do it, but I can't promise that you won't get your heart broken."

"Why were things with Margot complicated?" I ask, still wanting to no more.

"They were just were,"

"But why?" I push.

"It's none of your business. So just drop it," she snaps back angrily, directing a few stares from our classmates who look at her questioningly.

I don't dare talk to her the rest of class as it is clear she is still aggravated. Great. Amazing. Truly splendid. Willow was finally being nice to me and then I went and ruined it.

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