𝟎𝟎𝟐 | fuckshit

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THERE IS 5 FINGERS near my dick, 5 fingers I definitely didnt want near my dick. Long baby pink acrylic nails were forcing themselves under my jeans and tracing along my bulge. Blurred vision clouded my eyesight, the burning alcohol setting into my system as I glanced to the right of me. Chestnut brown waves flowed into vision, and her raging green eyes — that were far too green to even look real — were locked in with mine, giving me the look of hell that could burn straight into my soul.

Vicky Marcos was genuinely the most annoying person Id ever met, and Id met way too many annoying people. She was nice, sure, and she was Estees friend, but her voice was like a chihuahuas bark. So. Fucking. Annoying.

I swear to God, she was like an alien from some rouge fucking planet. She just invaded my fucking space every chance she got.

This was practically the 100th time that shed tried to get in my pants, and in the next few seconds it would be the 100th time I rejected her. She was only trying to fuck because her fuckface ass boyfriend left her for some milf wannabe.

My fingers clasped around her wrist in a quick motion. I could feel her bones through her skin as her hand retreated from my bulge. Gross.

"Still fighting the sexual tension?" Her awful attempt at flirting caused me to cock my head to the side, looking back into those evil green eyes. I had to get out of here.

My eyebrows furrowed upwards, and I hoped that she could tell that I thought she was embarrassing herself in front of everyone.

"Theres no tension between us, Vicky."

A harsh, warm breath came from Vickys mouth as she pulled her hand out of my grasp. The huff came with an irritated groan and roll of her eyes as she fell back against the couch, "Seriously, Fuckshit? when are you gonna let go and have some fun?" She sighed.

What was her idea of fun? Jerking me off? Not even an orgasm sounded delightful right now. Im sure once upon a time, that would have indeed been fun, but right now my entire focus was on the girl behind Vicky. Fawn colored hair, tan skin, plump lips and a tight hot pink dress that clutched her curves. My eyes followed down her body, blurring out Vicky who was still rambling on about me not wanting my dick jerked and how boring I was.

Ellie was laughing with FourthGrade against the wall, and nearly every single fucking man in the room was huddling around her. She was a goddamn magnet for creepy men that wanted to put their fingers in her. I shuddered at the thought and let my jaw relax from the clench it had been in for the last 15 minutes.

After dinner with Estee last night, I had dropped Ellie back off at her and Estees apartment, and of course Ellie had barely said a word to me. I knew she was mad at me. But, I wasnt avoiding her affection like she probably thought I was. Not intentionally, at least. We weren't together. As much as I wanted us to be, I couldn't change. I couldn't fucking do it. I don't know why, and I didnt know how to fix it.

Ellie had made me promise I'd go and get a therapist and talk about my problems so that I could get better, and I absolutely hadn't gone and fucking got one yet. A therapist? Are you shitting me? Therapy is a fucking shitshow that does absolutely nothing for you. All it did was show how shitty of a person you were.

Plus, I didnt want to be reminded how awful it was that I used to be a fucking alcoholic and drug addict who fucked over his girlfriend far too many times. The past was the past, and I avoided that conversation for a reason. I wasnt going to sit in front of some 60 year old and be told that I should try to work things out.

Ellie was too perfect for me; with her plans about the future and actually trying to get out of the lives we were living. I was fine where I was at, for now at least.

EVERYTHING I WANTED | 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝟗𝟎𝐬 pt 3Where stories live. Discover now