The Ones That Slipped Away

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When did you realise you were confined within a body? In a body of someone you never met, in a body you can't even recognize. It's like you're putting everything you have into finding who you are -inside whom you're trapped in-  for years, but still don't have a clue. Everytime you wake up, it's as if they took you out of the body you actually belong. 

When you look at your past, it won't feel real, as if somebody took all of your memories, colors, and replaced it with fake, emotionless black letters. Like the house your in, is not your actual home, like the people you met were just robots planned to make you believe this is the world you belong. Like the mirrors you looked at, weren't showing the true picture of you.

When you look at your future, it's the same black letters, repeating on a blanc paper. Same days dragging you further away from where you belong. Same music that feels like it can save you, when the only thing it does is making you an emotionless monster. Same books that are made out of a bunch of fake lives glued together. Same people that you might think, can save you from the black-and-white existence you're in, but are actually trapped there too. Maybe that was the reason why you feel like you belong with them. Maybe this wasn't the reality you were supposed to be in, but the people around you, your friends, were definitely the people you belonged with.

Alger woke up in his bed. Like usual, he pinched his arm to check if he really was awake, he was. He swallowed the sudden urge to scream, and got up. He put his black t-shirt on with his baggy jeans pants, and went down to the kitchen. He made a quick breakfast with a few bites of buttered plane bread, and went out to catch the school service. He sat on the exact same place he always sits, right next to Alyan who was also wearing a black t-shirt which made her tan skin look whiter than it was, with beige pants. As soon as Alger sat down, Alyan started talking about her vacation in Europe, Alger didn't bother, he put his backpack on his lap, covering the huge "Mettalica" sign on his t-shirt. He then leaned his head on the seat, taking a more confortable position while listening to the neverending story of Alyan.

Alyan kept talking, even after they got off the bus and when they entered the school, they walked into the classroom and sat on the back, right next to eachother. Within a few minutes, Orio, Arvel, Katja and Esin came sitting right in front of them. Esin and Katja started listening to Alyan while the boys were discussing where they were planning to go urbexing. Almost every day of the week, they go urbexing abandoned places near their small town, it was usually abandoned houses and factories. Orio opened an application on his phone, and showed a location to Alger and Arvel. 

"It's an abandoned factory, only a few miles away from here." 

Alger girmaced his face, looking at Arvel for a reaction. He looked confused.

"Man, didn't we go there already?"

Orio squinted his eyes. Not because he didn't understand but because Arvel was usually the one supporting his urbex choices.

"What do you mean, we've never gone to a factory this big. Look at it."

Orio showed a few more pictures from the outside of the factory.

"It looks exactly like the thirty other factories we have visited last year. I feel like we need new urbex places, more unique ones."

Arvel tried to be as gentle as he could, lowering his voice to a whisper tone.

"Maybe we should search this afternoon for new places-"

He hesitated for a second, that didn't happen often. When Alger realised it, he chimed in to help him out.

"Or we might just need a new thing to do, you know?"

Orio looked confused again.

"But-, we're doing this for years now, we've visited so many places, why would we stop like this."

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