Believers and Non-believers

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They all straighened their eyebrows, hoping that they misunderstood what they've heard. Orio's curiosity had faded away. 


The scarred man finally stopped walking. 

"Look, I know, this won't be easy for you, but I don't think that the king will give you any choices. If you want to get out of Aurora, you will need to complete the task."

Arvel laughed confidentally. "You're saying this like you're asking someone if you can borrow their pen."

The man turned his back with a weird look on his face -he probably didn't know what a pen was either-. "Unfortunately, I'm not the one deciding this, I would say that you could tell this to the king but I'm afraid, that will be your end."

Orio was the one laughing now. "What do you mean, kill?"

"The ones that go against the king, will suffer the consequences, no matter how special you are." He sighed. "Now that I told you everything you should know, I think that you're ready to face the him."

Orio looked at him like he was about to spit on his scarred face, but he resisted. Even when the bars were magically removed, making them feel invulnerable. Alger and Arvel hoped that Orio said something, maybe even yelled at him, but he chose not to open his mouth. The scarred man opened a metal, black door with the swipe of his hand. The sound echoed on the hallway that almost looked like an old cave. They started following the scarred man. 

Within a few seconds, they came to a big, wooden door which was a lot more luxurious than the one of the old lady's house. After a short moment they heard footsteps coming closer and closer to them. A tall man with Asian characteristics occured from the dark hallway, holding Esin that was next to Alyan and Katja. Arvel smiled at the same time as Esin did. "You caused trouble again?"  

Esin's smiled faded away as she grimaced and looked at the tall man. 

"This b*stard thinks he can just make my hair wet." 

Arvel let out a little giggle as the tall man started speaking with a deep voice, sounding like he didn't spoke for decades.

"You shouldn't have tried to trick me by throwing your keys to the other side of the room." Esin harshly step on the man's foot as an answer but the man didn't move.

"Keep doing this so I can create you a lifetime cloud friend."

Esin involuntarily nodded her head. 

The scarred man coughed.

"When you go inside, make sure you don't interrupt the king, and don't ask much questions. He is usually not pleased with talking to-" The tall man looked a few seconds at them. "foreigners."

Orio lowered his voice to a level that Arvel and Alger were the only ones hearing him.

"My *ss."

Arvel quietly giggled again as the scarred man knocked the wooden door. Within seconds, the door started opening by itself. The group of teens bowed their head to see the room behind the door. Before they saw the king, they first saw the big room, decorated by a huge, light blue couch creating a weird contrast with the turqouise courtains. As the door completely opened they realised that the only thing that wasn't blue in the room was the wooden table of the king which was carved with a mandala form. The king was sitting on a wooden throne that was halfly covered by a blue rug. He was wearing a blue uniform with a golden crown on his head, which was shining -and almost glowing- throughout the blue room. The scarred man came in and bowed in front of the king. 

"Majesty, I brought the alchemists."

The king shook his head as he stood up from his throne. The so called 'alchemists' entered the room one by one. When the scarred man left, Alger and Arvel felt like a soldier who had lost his shield in the middle of a fight, even though they didn't understand why. 

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