Sages and Fools

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The night was young and the moon was at its highest. The teens followed the two men leading them around as they realised how big this village actually was. The men stopped in front of a well, that was made out fo a thick rope and large stones.

"So what now?" Katja's voice sounded colder than the night.

The tall men looked at eachother as one of them tilted his head to another.

"Did the king tell you anything about The Game of Aurora?" Cloudshaper didn't had to wait that long. When he saw Katja squinting her eyes.

He took a deep breath and started explaining. "It is a festival organized by leaders around Aurora. Every 4 years, right here, at the Lodos Islands thousands of sumus and hechas from different folks come together." He bite his under lip and looked back at his friend. Scarface continued talking. "This game is a tradition that dates back a long time ago. During this event, around two hundred hechas and sumus are supposed to fight against eachother. The one who gets on top of the leaderboard gets prised by becoming the prince or princess of the folk they belong to." 

Katja's eyes didn't even relax for a moment. Alger spoke. "So, you want us to become a part of the royal families, is that it? And What will happen after that?"

Scarface laughed. It sounded like something in between a witch and a raven. He stood up and bowed his head only a few inches. There was an arrogant smirk on his face. "I like the confidence, but in the arena, people you're going to fight against won't be little kids. Alger." He pronounced the 'r' thick and harsh, almost like how Katja always pronounced it. "Your goals are not being the prince or princess of a royal family, that would be impossible for you to achieve. Besides that we won't want to lose any of you.


That's why we will be there to help you out."

Alyan's voice sounded more arrogant that Scarface's. "How will that happen?"

Scarface kept his tone as he gave a cold stare at Alyan. "The king commanded hechas and sumus from other folks to help you with this task. The hechas will be there to control the arena in your favor during the games."

Arvel was pulling the little hairs on his chin, he looked confused. "That's good and everything but, won't it be all too noticeable if you just put a bunch of untrained teens on the arena and let your friends do everything when we barely even know how to defend ourselves." 

The other tall man stood up aswell, right in front of Arvel. "That's why the sumus are commanded, the king have gathered his best sumu-fighter from Lodos Islands, to teach you how to fight. Or at least, look like you can." The corners of his lips curled.  "We're hoping that they will be able to make you look less- pathetic." Arvel's goosebumps raised as Cloudshaper bowed himself closer to him. 

Orio took a stap forward. "So, how much time do we have till then?"

"A week." 

Orio was unsatisfied, but he still nodded his head. 

They pass thru the village as they finally stopped walking when they came across a big, flat field with only a big rock. The early sunshine was brushing their bare skins as Arvel shivered. They were all watching the two tall men to tell them something as a voice behind the big rock called them. 

"You finally came."  A grown-up man with grey hair revealed himself from the rock. He stood in front of the men as he bowed his head. Scarface and Cloudshaper bowed their head back. They probably expected the teens to do so too, but they just kept looking at the grown man.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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