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Ch. 8: Uneasy

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"Well," I say, "yes, but how do you know that?"

Gino gives a low laugh.

"I keep a close eye on those who interest me," he said. "And you interests me a great deal, Hadley Reese Jones." He emphasizes the Reese slightly, and I wonder what he's getting at, other than the fact that he knows exactly who I am. Max introduced me in Vegas simply as Hadley Jones, but it wouldn't be hard to look me up.

"My grandfather keeps me quite busy," I tell him, and now Gino lets out a full-bodied laugh.

"I imagine he does," Gino says.

I feel like we're playing some kind of game, but I don't even know the rules. There can't possibly be any commotion between Andrew Reese and a mobster from the Northeast.

Can there?

I reach for my glass of water, my throat suddenly dry, and my bracelet catches the candlelight and Gino's attention. He stares at it for a moment, then a look passes between him and Max. And I remember my grandmother's odd reaction when she saw it on my wrist.

Does everyone know something but me?

I set my water glass down, and Max reaches over and casually takes my hand, rubbing his thumb idly over the pulse point at my wrist. I know the intimate gesture is for Gino's benefit, but it has my pulse racing regardless.

"It's an interesting choice you've made, Max," Gino says. "I hope you don't have reason to regret it."

There is tension in the air, but it all seems to be coming from Gino. Max is, for all appearances, completely unaffected.

"I've managed to live my life with very few regrets so far," Max says.

Gino nods.

So far, Joey D and Malcolm have been silent, and I'm wondering what they think of this whole exchange.

And when I'll find out the reason for the trip to New York and the meeting tonight.

But apparently Gino doesn't like to mix business with dining. The waiter returns with a platter of antipasto that he places in the center of the table. There are small plates at each place setting which are apparently for this purpose.

"Enjoy," Gino says. "This is just the beginning of what I am certain will be a memorable meal."

When he says that, I'm hoping that what will be memorable is the food, and not whatever agenda Gino has for summoning Max and me to New York.

The least concerning would be if he just has some modifications he needs to the contracts that were negotiated in Vegas. More troubling would be if I am about to become an accessory to yet another illegal deal, making it even harder for me to distance myself from Max and the criminal enterprises I now realize are more than just an occasional crossing of the lines. So far Gino hasn't provided any indication what's going on.

If Max is curious, he gives no sign. Of course, he's worked with Gino before, so perhaps he already knows that the man will move on to business on his own timetable.

As if he heard my thoughts, Gino announces that there will be no business discussion during dinner. "This is just a chance to enjoy a meal together. We are family, no?" He directs this to Max, who slowly nods.

"Yes," Max says.

"How is your father?" Gino asks, as he serves himself from the antipasto platter.

"As well as he can be, given the limitations of his circumstances," Max says.

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