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Ch. 9: The Club Scene

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We are heading into Brooklyn? Not back to our hotel on Times Square?

"Oh," Gino says, "I didn't mention?"

There's tension in the air now, and I wonder if I should be afraid. Gino seemed relaxed, even jovial at dinner, so I think everything is okay? But a little voice in the back of my mind is wondering if that was some sort of last meal before he kills us. Has Gino decided we know too much about his money laundering scheme.

But that can't be right. He's known Max for years. He's done business with Max's father for years. I'm letting my imagination run away with me, fueled by all that wine and the final glass of limoncello.

"You didn't mention what/" Max asks, his voice cool.

"I got this club I want your advice on. Seeing as how yours is doing so well in Miami. Thought we'd just stop by for while before I drop you off at your hotel."

I can feel my heart pounding while I try to gauge what exactly is going on here. I look out the window and catch a glimpse of the sign for the Brooklyn Bridge and then we are on it, headed out of Manhattan and over the East River.

"You could have mentioned something at dinner," Max comments, and Gino lifts his hands in a wide gesture.

"Like I said, I don't like to talk business when we are at the table enjoying a meal. It can interfere with the digestion."

Max nods, but looking up at his face from where I'm sitting beside him, I can see the line of tension in his jaw. Max is apparently not pleased with this turn of events.

"Is there a problem?" Gino asks, and there's a hardness in his voice I didn't hear before. I sense without even turning my head that Gabe is on alert. And that Gino's bodyguard or enforcer or whatever that scary guy is, is also watching to see what enfolds.

"We'd be happy to stop by and have a look," Max finally says.

I raise my head off where it was resting on Max's shoulder and give Gino a weak smile. "I'm not sure how much fun I'm going be at a club," I tell him. "All that wine at dinner has gone to my head."

Gino smiles back, once again the convivial host. "That's all right, sweetheart. I'll set you up at my VIP table while Max and I talk business. Vincento will make sure no one bothers you." He nods toward the man who was never introduced to me.

Vincento looks at me with his cold eyes, and I'm thinking Max wouldn't really leave me with him. Would he?

"Gabe can join them," Max says, and Gino nods his agreement.


"What seems to be the problem with the club?" Max asks.

"You tell me once you have a look around."

"There were issues with the books," Malcolm adds. He's been so quiet I almost forgot he was in the limo with us.

Joey D has also been quiet, but somehow you don't forget he's there.

"We eliminated the problem with the books," Gino says, with a casual finality that makes me think it was actually a person who was eliminated.

"True," Malcolm says, not at all phased by Gino's statement. "But even if you take the skimming into account and adjust the numbers, it's still not bringing in what it should.

Now I'm wondering if this club is actually a legitimate money-making business, not just another vehicle for Gino to launder drug money or funds from whatever other illegal activities his organization runs.

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