Finally ready

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Jungkook-Mom, we're in a bit of a bind here. Yana's dress has these crazy strings, and we're clueless.

Mom-(appearing on the screen with a smile)Oh, let me see. Don't worry, boys. I've dealt with trickier things.

Jin-We appreciate your help, Mom. We don't want to embarrass ourselves at the party.

Mom-(chuckles)Embarrassment is part of life, my dears. Now, pay attention. Take the left string and cross it over the right one.

Yoongi-Like this?

Mom-Yes, but don't pull it too tight just yet. Now, loop the right string around the left one and pull it through.

J hope-This feels like a complicated heist operation.

Mom-(laughs)No heist, just a dress. Now, tighten it a bit. There you go! You're getting it.

As the three brothers diligently followed their mother's instructions, the others watched with a mix of curiosity and relief.

Namjoon-Mom's a lifesaver.

Taehyung-I never thought we'll take fashion advice from Mom.

Jimin-Well, she does have a way of making the impossible seem simple.

Jungkook-Thanks, Mom. We owe you one.

Mom-Anytime, my loves. Now, go and enjoy the party. And remember, don't let a dress tie you up in knots.

The room echoed with a shared sense of accomplishment as the they continued to follow their mother's guidance, turning the dress-tying dilemma into a memorable family story to share at the party.

As the dress-tying operation continued, another debate emerged among jimin, taehyung, jungkook who weren't directly involved in the string struggle. This time, the topic shifted to Yana's hairstyle for the evening.

Jimin-We can't forget about her hair. Should she leave it free or tie it up?

Taehyung-I think a loose ponytail would be elegant.

Jungkook-No, no, a braid would add a touch of sophistication.

Namjoon- (chiming in from the sidelines)Why don't we ask Yana what she prefers?

Jin-Good point. Let's not make assumptions. It's her choice.

Meanwhile, Yana, still patiently enduring the dress-fitting process, overheard the renewed discussion about her hair.

Yana-Guys, it's just a party. I can handle my own hair.

But the brothers, now engaged in a fresh debate, seemed determined to solve this aspect of the styling puzzle.

J hope-We want you to look your best, Yana.

Taehyung-Maybe a compromise? Half-up, half-down?

Namjoon-Or we could go with a classic bun. What do you think?

Yoongi-stop that! Hyung see I should loop it like this right?

As the bickering over Yana's hairstyle continued, it added another layer of amusing chaos to the room.
As if the dress and hair discussions weren't enough, jimin, taehyung, in a sudden burst of enthusiasm, decided to tackle Yana's makeup. Without warning, they surrounded her with an array of cosmetics, each armed with their own opinions on how to enhance her appearance.

Jimin-Let's start with a subtle eyeshadow, maybe a soft brown?

Taehyung-No, no, a bit of shimmer would make her eyes pop.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 04 ⏰

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