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Celebratory. An adjective. Meaning, relating to or being the commemoration of an event with ceremonies or festivities:

We triumphed in persuading Avonlea to retain Miss Stacy, and Anne's ingenious plan unfolded seamlessly. The positive transformation in Avonlea fills me with delight, and having Miss Stacy as our school teacher is a source of genuine joy.

Today marks a special occasion, the day when Sebastian and Mary unite as one. Welcoming another remarkable woman into our household brings me great joy, and Mary, with her exceptional qualities, has become a cherished friend.

"I, Sebastian, take thee, Mary, to be my wedded wife." Sebastian's adoring gaze is fixed on her as he eloquently recites his vows. "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

The minister turns to Mary. "And Mary, wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?"

Mary looks at Sebastian with deep affection before gracefully saying, "I will."

"I now proclaim Sebastian and Mary husband and wife." The minister smiles, and as Mary and Sebastian share a kiss, applause fills the air, marking the conclusion of this joyous ceremony.


"It was a lovely service." Gilbert sighs, breaking the silence. We're waiting outside as everyone leaves the chapel.

"It was lovely." I agree, it's silent again so I speak up. "I'm relieved that you are staying with us a little bit longer."

"I want to be with my family." Gilbert smiles. "College can wait its turn."

"I've been meaning to tell you something." I look down at my feet. "I know what I want to be." He looks at me expectantly. "I think I am going to pursue a culinary career."

Gilbert's eyes light up as he nudges my shoulder. "I called it."

"That's not all though." I interrupt. "After I have bought back my childhood home I am going to use the rest of the money to build an Inn where I can serve people and temporarily house them."

Gilbert's smile widened, genuine excitement evident in his eyes. "An inn? That's a brilliant idea, Ada. Combining your love for cooking with creating a welcoming space for people – it's perfect."

I blushed, appreciating his enthusiasm. "I've always found joy in bringing people together through food. And with the inn, I can offer them a place to stay, share stories, and create lasting memories."

He nodded his head. "It sounds like a wonderful venture. And having your childhood home back—"

"Means the world to me," I finished his sentence with a grateful smile. "It's not just about reclaiming the physical space; it's about restoring the memories and the sense of belonging."

As the conversation flowed between us, I could feel the foundation of our dreams solidifying. The notion of a shared future, with our respective aspirations intertwining, was both thrilling and comforting.

"The only problem now is figuring out where I can fit in finishing school." I sigh. "I need the money from that trust."

"Right. I forgot about that part." Gilbert frowns. "Paris is so far away."

"I know. It's a 10-17 week program." I chew my lip as I think about it. "But I suppose that I would be with Father and Alexander so I wouldn't be too miserable."

Gilbert's thoughtful expression mirrored my own contemplation. "It's a significant time away, but being with your father and brother could make it more bearable. Plus, it's a unique opportunity to experience life in Paris and gain valuable insights from finishing school."

He reached for my hand, offering reassurance. "I— We would all miss you dearly. But we can make it work, Ada. Your dreams are just as important as mine."

I smiled, grateful for his understanding and support. "I appreciate that, Gilbert. It's just that I've always been accustomed to the familiar surroundings of Avonlea. The idea of being so far away, even for a few months, feels... daunting."

He reached for my hand, offering reassurance. "Change is intimidating, especially when it takes you away from what you've known. But sometimes, it's in those unfamiliar places that we discover aspects of ourselves we never imagined."

I nodded, acknowledging the truth in his words. "October, then. I'll start finishing school in October. It gives me time to prepare, both practically and emotionally."

Gilbert squeezed my hand, his eyes reflecting unwavering support. "You're making a courageous decision, Ada. I'll be here every step of the way, cheering you on."

I embraced the realization that this journey, with its twists and turns, was one we were embarking on together. In that quiet moment, beneath the winter sky, Gilbert's steady presence offered a comforting anchor. As I met his gaze, gratitude and affection welled up within me. His hand, warm and reassuring, held mine with a gentle strength that spoke of shared dreams.

Feeling a surge of emotion, I leaned in, bridging the space between us. Our lips met in a soft and tender kiss, a sweet affirmation of the unspoken understanding that bound us together. The chilly air seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the warmth of that shared connection.

As we pulled away, there was a subtle shift in the atmosphere, as if the promise of October carried not just the anticipation of change but the assurance that, no matter the distance, our hearts would remain intertwined.

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