Chapter Trulla: Mondstadt Gastronomy Trip

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After watching the video, Xiangling decides to head to the kitchen to make some snacks for everyone. She was making some Egg Rolls and some Fried Radish Balls with Guoba's help in frying them.

As she was carrying them back to the room, she tripped over and let go of the dishes by accident. "Woah!" Guoba made a shocked expression on his face as the plates were falling from Xiangling's grasp.

Just as it was about to the floor, two blue streaks immediately caught the Egg Rolls just in time. Xiangling looked up and saw Chonngyun and Xingqiu catch the plates before it was smashed on the floor. "You're alright?"

"O-Oh, yes! I'm fine!" She got herself up and was embarrassed to see the two of them saw her tripped over, "This is embarrassing..." She muttered.

"I'm guessing you need help with carrying these dishes?" Xingqiu asked, to which she nodded.

"Great, then let's get going." The four of them head back to the room with the dishes in their hands, which they are careful to carry as they don't want the food to be mushed.

As they headed there, Xiangling was looking down on her clumsiness for carrying the dishes by herself. 'I really should've been more careful.' She thought to herself as Guoba looked at her with a sad and worried expression.


They reached the room with the dishes in their hands, to which everyone was happy to see that Xiangling was preparing some snacks for them as a treat. They give it to everyone as well as save some for themselves.

They sit back in their seats as Makoto has finished setting up the next video, "So what's this video about now?" Kuki asked as she was interested in the interaction of the other people that Boboiboy might have.

'Oh, you're about to find out.' He tells her as he presses play and lets the video do its thing.

The video starts as the three (Boboiboy, Lumine, and Paimon) are going out on a walk in the lands of Mondstadt. "So what do you suppose we'll do before leaving Mondstadt?" Boboiboy asked.

"I have no idea, maybe continue doing some commissions?" Lumine suggested the idea.

The audience could hear the conversation as they figured out the placement, "So this is after returning the Holy Lyre and being attacked by the Fatui. Looks like they're in their spare time as they explore Mondstadt."

Sucrose nods as judging by the conversation before, it sounds plausible when this video's taking place.

While on a walk, they were suddenly pulled by a girl. She pulls Lumine's and Boboiboy's hands down the bush and gestures for them to be quiet, then points towards a group of boars and drools.

The audience recognized the girl as the girl herself was currently surprised to see this, "So this is about me, huh?" Xiangling sweats as she wonders how their meeting is going to play out.

Lumine and Boboiboy look at her with surprise, while the girl wipes her drool and then looks at the group. "Shh! Keep it down, I'm hunting... I've always heard about the wide range of ingredients you can find in Mondstadt, and it looks like it's true!" The girl said in excitement.

"Are you... a hunter?" Boboiboy said as he looked at her appearance.

"Or you are an adventurer?" Lumine asked.

"No — I'm a chef! A chef on a mission to find rare and exotic ingredients from all corners of the world! My name's Xiangling, I'm from Liyue Harbor. And you?" Xiangling introduced herself to them.

"Hi. I'm Boboiboy. And this is my friends Lumine and Paimon." Boboiboy is introduced as Lumine nods and Paimon waves her hand.


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