Chapter 1 Act 2-2: Big Brother and Little Zombie

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It was another morning for everyone, as they were ready to watch the future. Boboiboy was still in the kitchen, helping Barbara and Ganyu with the dishes. It was getting smooth on the cleaning as there weren't many dirty dishes from breakfast.

"Thanks for helping us out, Boboiboy," Barbara said.

"Don't mention it, always happy to help." He responded as he put the cleaned dish with the pile of clean dishes.

As they continue cleaning, Ganyu begins to have some thoughts on Boboiboy. His powerful elemental abilities and kind personality made him a unique person she had seen before. His achievement in saving Dvalin from the Abyss Order's grasp was awe-inspiring and she wanted to know more about him. 'I wonder... What did he look like when was a kid?'

Boboiboy put the dishes on the dish rack before he noticed something on Ganyu's cleaning. "Um... Ganyu, you have a problem."

That got her attention, to which she looked at the dish and saw some soap dripping onto the floor. "Oh, Archon! I'm so sorry!" Boboiboy came to the rescue and wiped that off with a cloth.

"That's alright, you didn't seem to mean it." Ganyu continues washing the dish, hoping that she will do her job correctly this time.

-Mini Timeskip-

Once everything was set up for the next part of the future, everyone went to the room and went to their seats. Baizhu notices that Qiqi seems a little irritated about something, "Is there something wrong, Qiqi?"

"Qiqi wants another special hot chocolate as Qiqi didn't get any during breakfast!"

"Now, now, you cannot drink that hot chocolate again. It's not healthy to do that."

"But Qiqi wants it!" Blaze saw the commotion and sighed on this.

'Oh, father and daughter issues...'

'All right, everybody! Please behave yourselves while watching this next part! I don't want anyone to be disrespectful while watching this.' The guardian told them, to which they nodded and the video began starting up.

The video picks up where it left off as the trio went to get kites per Zhongli's recommendation. They were buying kites from the old lady named Granny Shan, and they noticed that she seemed to have prepared the kites. "Ah, sir, you're here. The seven kites you asked for have been made to order. Would you like to take them now?"

"Yes. Thank you." He responded in a matter of tone.

"It's rare to see customers who want to buy this type of kite nowadays. In the early days, we used to get orders from people of all walks of life..."

"Well, this is Mr. Zhongli from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, so he's probably well-versed in all these walks of life." Paimon said, "We've talked about a whole bunch of things while traveling with him..."

Lumine began to list down everything they talked about, "Fashion, economics, jewelry and jade pottery..."

"He seems to know Liyue's favorite topics, money and government, really well, but he likes talking about less useful topics instead." Boboiboy nods.

"Well, that's because I prefer to share fun things with you," Zhongli said.

"Children's toys are very fun things, that's for sure. I enjoy watching the children play as much as anyone else. But there is more to it than that. Finely crafted toys are well-loved by children. But this craft itself has been honed over thousands of years, and there is meaning behind that." Granny Shan said.

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