The Sex

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After grabbing a quick breakfast, Nathan and Katy hit the sack again. But soon, Katy's phone broke the silence.

Katy picked up: "Hello?"

Anastasia on the line: "Yo bestie, Aunt Amalia and I are heading over. We've got your gender reveal appointment covered today."

Katy, surprised and grateful: "omg really ?! I'm getting ready now."

Anastasia: "Cool, we'll be there in 5."

Katy quickly got dressed in a comfy blue and white dress, slipped on white sandals, threw her hair up, and grabbed her purse. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Anastasia was already there.

Katy: I thought you said 5 minutes?

Anastasia laughed: "You know how it is, we say 'on my way' but might still be home. I was just a minute out."

Katy: And you said 5 because?

Anastasia: No clue.

Katy, chuckling: You're something else!

Anastasia: All for you! Now let's roll, my aunt's waiting.

Outside, they met Aunt Amalia.

Anastasia introduced them: Aunt Amalia, meet Katy.

Katy: Hi, nice to meet you! I can't thank you enough.

Amalia: warmly replied: Hi Katy, great to meet you too. Happy to help. I was in your shoes once.

Katy: Wow, really? So you get it, huh?

Amalia: Yes, hun, I do. I found out I was pregnant when I was just 16 years old. I didn't know what to do. You know, back in my generation, our parents weren't really emotionally aware.

Katy: Yeah, I totally feel that. My mom can be really strict sometimes, and so can her husband. But lately, she's been nicer and I don't know why.

Amalia: Maybe she's realizing that you're young and need her guidance. She'll come around, don't worry.

Katy: Yeah, I hope you're right. I really need her sometimes, but right now, all I have is my brother and my two best friends.

Amalia: Look, over there by that building.

By the building, there was a huge pile of light pink and dark pink balloons floating in the air.

Anastasia: Aw, someone probably just had a baby girl.

Amalia: I think it's a sign. What do you think, Katy?

Katy: I don't know. Honestly, I haven't really thought about the gender. I just want him or her to be safe and healthy, no matter what.

Amalia: Ah, yes, just as I thought. You're so wise, Katy.

Anastasia: You really are.

Katy: Haha, you guys are making me emotional.

Anastasia: Aw, it's the truth. You're amazing.

Katy: Thank you guys.

Amalia: Come on, girls, we're here!

Katy: Yes, I'm so excited!

Anastasia: Me too! Let's do this!

Katy, Anastasia, and Amalia walk into the building to check in. After that, they wait until Katy is called.

Amalia: So, Katy, are you ready for your gender reveal party tonight?

Katy: Yes, I'm excited. I can't wait!

Amalia: That's great! I can't wait for you to see what I have planned. After this, I need to drop you two back home and head to Target for some shopping.

Katy: Okay, sounds cool.

Anastasia: Yeah, I'll just stay at Katy's until then.

Amalia: Okay, no problem.

While everyone sits in the lobby, Katy's name is finally called after 15 minutes.

Nurse: Katy Williams?

Katy: That's me! Come on, guys!

Amalia: You two go. I'll wait here.

Katy: Are you sure?

Amalia: Yes, I want you guys to experience this together.

Anastasia: You're heaven-sent, Aunt Amalia. Come on, Katy!

Nurse: Hang tight in room 7, ladies. The doctor will swing by soon.

Katy: Got it, thanks!

Nurse: You're welcome!

Anastasia: How are you holding up? This is super exciting!

Katy: I'm a bundle of nerves. It's really hitting me—I'm going to be a mom!

Anastasia: I'm buzzing for you! You're going to rock this mom thing.

Katy *tearing up*: That means the world to me, truly.

Anastasia: Hey, no tears, or you'll start me off too. Love you like crazy.

Katy: There's something I've got to tell you.

Anastasia: What's up?

Katy: That college bash in January, the one with Nathan and Julius?

Anastasia: Yeah, what about it?

Katy: Well, about Andrew, the guy I was seeing—I wasn't completely truthful about that night.

Anastasia: Obviously, we're here now, aren't we?

Katy: It's not like that.

Anastasia: Then what's it like?

Katy: You have to promise to keep it to yourself.

Anastasia: keep what to myself ? Just tell already!

Katy: That night, Andrew... he took advantage of me.

Anastasia: WAIT WHAT ?

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