Scrappy's Unexpected Friendship

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Hey I'm back it's been a while.. not really, Im in a very bad situation.


You know how I said that buddy has 3 raccoons?? Well today that changed..
She had a new raccoon. She looks very different like Peachez..! But.. A raccoon.

"But first let me get Enzo because Im kinda scared to talk to her alone." Scrappy says as she walks out her room

-Laughing in the background-

"Oh hey Enzo! Hey nife! What's going on?" Scrappy says concerned

"Pffft I made Enzo pissed, You wont believe what prank I had done on him" Nife laughed

"Don't say a single word." Enzo growled turned backside

"Oooh I wanna know I wanna know!!" Scrappy says excited

"Well!" Nife started

"Scrappy you hear one word from him about this and I'm not talking to you again." Enzo said

"Aww.. come on!! Now I'm more interested" Scrappy said

"Come on man you being dry, let me tell her it and laugh a little." Nife suggested

"I don't laugh. Nothing is FUNNY." Enzo yelled

"Well I found that pretty funny" Nife answered

"Fine FINE. To get it over with just tell her." Enzo said as he crossed his arms

"Ight Ight. So!" Nife began " Scrappy can you bend down for me?"

"Woah what.??!" Scrappy said surprised

"Just do it, I'm showin' you what I done to Enzo" Nife added

"Okay okay" scrappy said as she bends down

"Now spell run 6 times." Nife says as he laughed

"R u n R u n R u-" scrappy chanted

"Hah pretty funny rigggghhht?" Nife laughed

"BAHAHAH And you did that to ENZO??" Scrappy asked as she laughed

" I'm invisible you can't see me." Enzo said embarrassed

"Enzo you don't gotta be soo embarrassed, admit it nife is pretty good at pranks" Scrappy laughed patting Enzo's back

"Don't touch me." Enzo stated

"Oh yeah, I came in here because I need you" scrappy said

"What do you want now?? Want to learn to be a unicorn?" Enzo said sarcastically

"No no. Follow me" scrappy says walking away"Alright goodbye Nife!!

"Can I come with you guys???" Nife says as he stretches

"No" Enzo said walking away

"Now come on Enzo you don't got be so mean cause he pranked you. But no nife you can't come" Scrappy said leaving

"It's always the damn cats being left out in everything " nife sighed

- In the Bedroom -

"Alright what did you bring me here for?" Enzo sighed

"Okay so this is major bad news and you basically called that this would happen." Scrappy said

"Wait Oakley finally died?!?" Enzo said with his hopes up

"No no.. worse than that." Scrappy replied
"Buddy got..."


"No. No fucking way. You're lying" Enzo said shocked

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