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Dear Adventurous Soul (or Unwitting Accomplice),

If you're anything like me, you picked up this book with the bright-eyed optimism that it would be a light-hearted romp through fields of daisies with a side of mild peril. 

Well, strap in—or better yet, strap on your favorite pair of apocalypse-chic boots—because you and I are about to take a plunge into a tale that's darker than my coffee after I've forgotten to add milk for the third time this week.

Let's get the warnings out of the way: If you're prone to bouts of existential dread, or if your idea of a pick-me-up is watching paint dry on a rainy day, you might want to gently set this book down and back away. 

No hard feelings. This story has more twists and turns than my last attempt at a "fun" DIY plumbing project, and trust me, that was truly horrifying.

Now, for those of you still with me—bravo! You're either delightfully optimistic or beautifully mad. Either way, I like your style. This book is the brainchild of my rampant imagination that clearly didn't get the memo about "light and breezy" writing. Instead, it veered off the highway, took a left at "What if..." and crash-landed in "Oh no, why is everyone dying?"

I'd apologize for dragging you into this mess of a narrative, but who am I kidding? I love this stuff. And I've got a sneaking suspicion that so do you (admit it, you're a little bit curious about what's on page one). Just remember, any and all emotions you experience are entirely by design, and any resemblance to "fun" is purely coincidental and probably a figment of your imagination.

So, prepare to embark on a tale of tragedy, adventure, and more emotional trauma than a season finale of your favorite TV show. And remember, no matter how bleak it gets, you can always count on me to remind you that it's just a ride—one I couldn't stop myself from writing, even if my therapist gently suggested it might be a good idea.

Here's to the thrill of the tragic, the beauty of the bleak, and the undeniable charm of the words "It could always be worse..."

Laughing in the face of literary sanity since 2018,


SETTING: Now, about the authenticity of the settings! While this story is as fictional as my chances of winning "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" some of the places might tickle your brain cells with familiarity. Why? Because your humble author hails from the fashion city of Düsseldorf and has wandered the streets of Cologne more times than I've misplaced my keys (which is a lot).

So, if you find yourself saying, "Hey, I've been there!" while reading, give yourself a pat on the back for your excellent taste in travel. But remember, any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons (living, undead, or stuck in a literary purgatory) within this book is purely coincidental and not at all an invitation to start a conspiracy theory.

Now, go forth and revel in this made-up maelstrom of mayhem, safe in the knowledge that it's all from my imagination—fueled by too much sugar and a penchant for dramatic flair.

Stay original, stay fabulous, and above all, don't steal from writers—they have very little to begin with.

COPYRIGHTS: Before you dive headfirst into this treasure trove of apocalyptic delight, let's have a quick chat about the oh-so-spicy topic of copyrights. Picture this: You're enjoying the last scoop of your favorite ice cream, and someone swoops in and claims it as their own. Not cool, right? Well, that's how I feel about my words in this book. They're my "ice cream," and I've toiled long and hard to churn them into existence.

So, here's the deal: No copying, pasting, mimicking, mirroring, or shadow puppeteering any part of this book. All the content in these pages is protected by law, just like that "Do Not Touch" painting in a museum (and we all know you really want to touch it, but don't).

DISCLAIMER (serious this time): Regrets are inevitable from time to time, and I sometimes feel like life is moving at a breakneck pace. The story delves into the subject of life and the burdens it bears. No matter how short or long my life is, I hope to be able to look back on it with gratitude and joy. This story is for others who share that hope.


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