unfair comparison

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Whenever you played games with Kenma, it resulted in serious humiliation and humbling. You weren't bad at them—you were actually pretty good if you said so yourself! But against someone like Kenma, who practically popped out of the womb playing games, there was no chance.

Shooter game? Sniped. Strategy game? He was on the last level before you cleared the first one. Action game? He wiped out all the opponents before you were able to get to the scene of the crime. There was one game you managed to beat him in a few teams, a fighting game with a very specific set of rules—your experience in fights helped you even back then! Though, his extensive will to win at everything he seemed worth it had your win streak over after three days of playing. He learned just about every combo, observed your play style, and beat you every time.

Kenmas quiet laugh was hardly noticeable through your loud yells of frustration when you got beat for the tenth time in a row.

The only thing that calmed your over exaggerated yells was an annoying loud buzz at your desk.

Ogre Face (Kuroo)

I just got out of extra practice

No surprise Kenma immediately ran off the moment regular practice was over

Timebomb (Firstname)


He's funny for that

— Ogre Face

Easy for you to say I bet you two are off playing whatever it is you play

So you became a manager?

— Timebomb


— Ogre Face

What gives you would've never became a manager over here!

— Timebomb

Yeah you're right!

I kind of had too I was on the brink of extinction!

Given how nerdy Kuroo was, you really tried your best making some weird scientific reference.

Ogre Face


You were gonna get expelled

And leave it to him to translate what you tried so hard to word correctly.



— Ogre Face

Well it doesn't matter

Cuz I totally got us a practice game with your team

Better warn those little birdies of yours!

— Timebomb

Oh please!!!

Better start laying out your litter cause our teams gonna make you crap your pants!!

— Ogre Face

What even

You turned off your phone and threw it to the side before he questioned your weird saying more.

"Kenma let's play a game where we're on the same team, instead!" You suggested to your friend through the game.

"Okay then... But you only say that when you've lost too many times in a row." Kenma pointed out.

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