come visit

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"So.... Can I ask why we're doing this at my house?" You wondered as the group of them tagged along with you.

"My sister was practicing." Tanaka reasoned.

"My grandpa had a new girl over." Nishinoya explained.

"My mom would ask way to many questions if I brought a girl over." Ennoshita shrugged.

"I'm going because he's going." Kinoshita and Narita pointed at each other.

You stared at them blankly. Question of the decade, did you want a bunch of guys you didn't know to come into your house? The answer was no. A resounding no.

But you really did need to study—urgently so. And it wasn't like any of them gave off horrible person cues, if anything they were nice. So you'd be doing them a big favor by allowing them over. "Okay then. You brought the goods?" You asked them with a shifty grin.

"Oh, we brought the goods." Tanaka responded with sn equally shifty grin. "What about three bags of 'em'?"

"Mmm," you put a hand on your chin as you mulled it over. "I dunno..."

"I'll throw in an ounce of—" Nishinoya cut himself off. "No, wait, I'll just get you what you asked for."

"Oh, so it's like that." Kinoshita picked up on what you were speaking of.

"Yeah... I can get some. A deals a deal, right?" Narita nodded his head.

"What the hell are you guys saying?" Ennoshita panicked. "Stop talking like that!" He was horrified at the attention you all gathered, the group of you(outside of Kinoshita, really) already looked the part of delinquent—and whatever you were talking about didn't help with the suspicious looks you were all getting.

"Oh, looks like someone didn't bring any." Tanaka pointed out, hands on his hips. A deep frown on his face.

"That's not gonna slide, Ennoshita. You gotta pay up!" Nishinoya demanded.

"Whatever you want from me, I don't have it!" Ennoshita shook his head, holding his arms up in defense.

"Jeez, man.. Calm down." Kinoshita sweatdropped. "[Last] just wanted some snacks as payback for letting us use her place to study."

"We can drop by the store real quick if it really stresses you out that badly." Narita chuckled.

"Snacks." Ennoshita repeated in disbelief, running hands hand down his face. "You guys aren't that—no, no way..." There's no way these guys are so stupid they don't realize how shady they sounded!

"If it stresses you out so badly, you can put a rain check on that." You tried to be assuring, but you had the feeling you sounded more judgmental if anything. The strained smile you gave him made him, along with thing one and two, take a step back in fear.

"Don't make that face ever again!" Nishinoya patted your back.

"What?!" You looked toward him.

"Yeah, it makes you look scary." Tanaka did the same.

"Huh?! Like you're one to talk!" You looked over at Tanaka.

"No, no... One day you'll have a pleasant smile!" Tanaka shook his head, almost sounding supportive. Of what, though?! You've smiled in front of them, before! A nice one, too!

"Mom! I'm home!" You called out. You had already shot her a message before your arrival just in case, but it seemed she wasn't home to begin with.

Despite her not being there, your club mates bothered to bow, anyway. "Thanks for having us over!" Oh, were they talking to you?

You should say something! You encouraged yourself. Be hospitable, say something polite!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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