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potteryinstructor!Harry, sexually charged fluff, reader-insert

CONTENT WARNINGS: none sexual BUT, ridiculous sexualization of clay (I think I've managed to fetishize clay in this one??? OOPS), overly suggestive usage of pottery terms, a red-hot, hands-on tutorial for wheel throwing, and embarassingly long descriptions of Harry's fingers coated in wet clay.

slip: small bits of dry clay mixed with water to create a thick, creamy consistency

slip: small bits of dry clay mixed with water to create a thick, creamy consistency

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Clay is innately erotic.

Wheel throwing is, arguably, the most pornographic art form, its only competing opponent being, maybe, literal body-painting. And that latter one still falls as a close second. Close, but second.

Y/N decides that when she wanders into a little ceramics shop tucked away in a busy plaza downtown. There's no method to her exploration, but the broad glass windows are adorned with dripping, colorful graffiti and its innards call to her. GLAZED, reads the large sign over the awning in blocky, white lettering, stippled with un-glowing light bulbs that she's sure light alive in the night.

It's a cute shop.

Upon entrance, the young woman discovers tables, as if set up for arts and crafts, crackling, clay covered wheels with shorter stools, and long, tall rows of shelving brimmed with colorless sculptures lining the walls. Despite its packed interior, the studio seems empty of people and quiet besides the soft notes of RÜFÜS DU SOL leaking from the overhead speakers. She roams beside the line of wheels over to a shelf by the door, admiring the myriad of statues there, some obviously crafted with expertise and elegant artistry, and others lopsided efforts that probably deserve a pitied gold star for effort.

Her eyes are caught on an unpainted little ashtray that's got a crooked sort of bee in the center when her gaze breaks away to the sound of footsteps. Maybe the shop isn't as abandoned as she'd previously believed — a man appears from behind a row of white shelving stacked with more unfinished pottery.

He's a pretty man, that much she can decide from the downturned slope of his nose and his distracted lash line, focused on twisting the navy rag in his left hand over the tip of his right index finger. A dark baseball cap shrouds his hair, but little brunette tufts sneak out in curled bunches around his ears. That's where Y/N finds a fun, little red-tinted pearl dangling from one lobe. He's tatted in patchwork art — a mermaid with its tits out peeks at her from his forearm, soaked over and shining. She assumes he must have just been rinsing clay from that forearm, from his hands, no longer visible over his skin. However, streaks of dried gray stain over his white tee in crackling lines, like an old lamination on a well-loved t-shirt that's been cycled through the washer one too many times. When he pulls the rag away, she discovers a shade of bright red that's been painted over his nails.

Almost as if he can sense her presence without looking, his sneakers pause on the tile and he steals a peer up. Yes, he's quite a pretty man, even when his features shape something caught off guard.

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