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Friday evening, around six in the evening. It was a tiring evening for Blaze as she returned from work. Blaze was by far one of the most prominent heroes in their city. She was exhausted and just wanted to enjoy one evening with her fiance. "Silver, I'm home!"

She noticed the lights inside the house were particularly dimmed. Adjusting the lights, she sighed as she reached down to take off the heels from a meeting at her workplace. "Look, I'm not sure what you're doing but let me tell you, this job isn't easy! You're lucky that you can work on the sidelines undercover. I hate having to deal with these jerks on the main front. And don't even get me started on this black dress that Rouge picked out for me." Blaze rambled as she went around the house trying to get comfortable. She poured water halfway into a glass.

After taking a sip, she looked around. "Silver? Are you okay?" she asked, peeking towards their bedroom door. There wasn't an answer. Blaze was worried because he usually was back by now. "Silv, are you even home?" she asked, walking towards their room. She opened the door and saw him sitting on their bed, his back facing her. "Silver? What's wrong?" she wondered, now more concerned that he didn't even acknowledge her. "Is everything okay?" Blaze placed a hand on his shoulder.

Silver finally moved his head to face her. He looked hurt, his eyes filled with pain and anger. Shocked, Blaze's ears flattened. "Oh my... What happened?" she asked him. She touched his face gently. But Silver scoffed at her. He smacked her hand away and stood up to get away from her. "And here I thought you couldn't be more deceiving." he snarked. Blaze was confused. "I... I'm sorry?" she asked him.

"Oh come on! Don't act fake with me right now! You know exactly what I'm talking about! I knew there was a reason you've been taking more shifts lately. I just didn't want to admit it!" he snapped at her. "What? Silver, what are you on? I don't know what you're talking about! I literally just got home! What's wrong?"

Unfazed, Silver turned his back on her. "I'm just saying I can't believe I'm with a lying, cheating, dirty, unfaithful, ungrateful, vindictive, and just a cold-hearted girl who's gone behind my back for the longest time. How did I not see it before?!" Blaze's heart clenched hearing what he said to her. "W-What..? I... I don't understand... Why are you saying that?" she questioned, her voice already breaking from the beginning. "Oh, please! Don't act like you're the victim here! I've seen the photos! I know about the secret dude you've been seeing! And frankly, I'm hurt! I can't see how you can be so selfish!" Silver shouted at her, tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm... I'm not sure where this is coming from... But I didn't... Do. Anything! Please! Whatever you think is going on isn't true. You know this!" Blaze cried. "I'm not sure about that. In fact... I can't believe anything that comes out of your mouth anymore!"

Hurt by this, Blaze forced him to look at her. "Where is this coming from?! Me coming home later has never been an issue before! What photos are you talking about? And what guy!? You know the only guys I talk to are Knuckles and Scourge! They have girlfriends already! This is bullshit!" Blaze snapped. Silver rolled his eyes, allowing a tear to roll down his cheek. "Oh really? Then how do you explain all of this?!" he snapped, throwing a magazine at her. Blaze caught it, fumbling with the paper. Staring at him, she couldn't believe this was happening.

She unfolded the crumpled mess to see what he was upset by. To her horror, there were several photos of her with a guy she certainly didn't recognize. She glanced back up at a teary-eyed Silver, his face stained with tears. "Silv..." She flipped through the pages. Plenty of pages were filled with pictures of her with the guy on several occasions. For dinner, for lunch, and one of them seemingly on a romantic getaway. The final straw for her was seeing a photo of them kissing under a canopy with a headline and fake caption.

Angrily she gripped the papers and put tears in them. "You can't be serious! This has obviously been photoshopped! You know me! Silver, this is all lies!" she cried, tears pricking from her eyes. "I figured you'd say that. I had someone send these to me too," he added, handing her a folder. Inside were more photos of her with another guy at the gym, a restaurant, and in the streets. "I can't believe you would go his far... You're some two-faced, lying, piece of garbage. If you didn't love me anymore, you could've just said it!"

"Are you serious?! You believe this shit?! I haven't been anywhere near these places lately, and I don't know these two guys! I would never do this to you! To us! We're engaged! I wouldn't throw everything away like this!" she cried out to him. However, she saw that she wasn't getting through to him. He stared at her with emptiness. Her own eyes went soft seeing that he didn't believe her. "Silver... Please... I love you! What reason would I have to cheat?! All of this- It's the media acting up! You know they've been following me everywhere lately! I've complained about this for weeks! And if I didn't love you, we wouldn't still be together! Can't you see that I'm begging you here?! I didn't do anything!"

All her begging fell on deaf ears. Silver scoffed again. "All those damn crocodile tears aren't fooling me, Blaze. I've dealt with enough liars in my life to know when someone's trying to deceive me," Her heart clenched even more. Tears fell down her face uncontrollably. "I don't want to be with someone dirty, cheating, and promiscuous. If you want that, do it on your own time. But I won't allow you to make a fool out of me." he declared.

Stunned to hear those words, Blaze took one step back. "So you're serious? You believe a bunch of tabloids over your girlfriend? Your fiance? Just like that, you want to throw everything away?!"

"Yep. Just like that." Silver declared. Fumed, Blaze threw the magazine back at him along with the other photos. Not prepared, he fumbled with them, seeing her strong reaction. She went to their closet and grabbed a suitcase before grabbing everything she could and stuffed it into the case. "W-Where... Where are you going?" Silver questioned. "Does it matter?!" she snapped. She went into the bathroom, grabbing more items to put into a different pocket in the suitcase.

Something inside of Silver knew this was wrong. But his mix of emotions wasn't helping him think straight. "Blaze! Wait!" he pleaded as she zipped up the suitcase. She began heading towards the door, clutching the case closely. "Blaze!" he snapped. He grabbed her other wrist, gripping it tightly. "Ow! Let go of me!" she hissed, trying to pull it away. "Not until you tell me where you're heading!" he demanded. "I don't owe you anything!"

The two struggled with each other as he tried to pull her back in. "I thought you didn't want to be with me! Why do you care?!"

Unsure of what to say, he gripped tighter. She cried out in pain, her eyes pleading with him to let go. "Ow! Silver stop! That's hurting me! Please!" Her cries startled Silver. He released her wrist before she stumbled back onto a table. "Blaze!" Silver exclaimed. She gathered herself, brushing her dress off. She didn't say anything to him, not even looking back to see his expression. Full of regret, Silver tried to pull her in gently. "Blaze... I'm sorry okay? Look, I'm still-"

This time though, she smacked his hand away. She released sobs as she stood up slowly. She wiped her face as Silver stood there stunned. He saw her true emotions spilling out and he immediately regretted everything. "Blaze?" he asked her, trying to see her face. "To think I put so much effort into this relationship... And then you decide to pull this stunt?" she told him, her tail wrapping around her leg.

"I hate you..." she muttered, holding her arms. Silver's ears folded against his skull hearing the pain in her voice. Blaze then messed with the ring on her finger before taking it off. "You don't want to be with a cheater? Fine. I don't want to be with a guy who believes the public lies over his fiance!"

She threw the ring at him which he caught with shaking hands. "Don't ever. Reach out to me again!" Gathering her belongings, she grabbed the door handle before leaving their home. Silver stood there for a long minute. In his heart, he knew that Blaze couldn't have done anything. But his insecurities convinced him otherwise. He collapsed to his knees, clutching the ring close to him.

Tears hitting the ground rang loudly in the silent room. He wiped his face wildly. It didn't stop. All he could do was sit there and cry.

"What have I done?"

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