Sudden Shock

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Rouge sat there in the infirmary room, fidgeting with a piece of jewelry. She looked over at Blaze who was still unconscious. A doctor walked in, holding a clipboard in his hands. Rouge stood up anxiously. He stared at her and smiled. "Oh thank goodness, finally! How is she? Is she okay?" Rouge cried, getting up close to the doctor. The doctor smiled softly, gently patting her shoulder. "Relax. According to our results, Blaze the cat is going to make a full recovery. She was slightly more dehydrated and her blood sugars were lower than I'd like to see, but overall she's healthy."

A weight was lifted off her shoulders as Rouge let out a deep breath. "Oh thank god... But... I don't understand. Why would this happen? Blaze stays in shape. She's not the type to not eat, drink, or exercise. There has to be more that's going on right? She's a hero for crying out loud! There has to be something you're missing! The people on the scene told us that this was unusual for her!"

This time, the doctor told her to sit down in a chair. "I understand your concern. We've looked back in her records to ensure we weren't missing anything important. I knew something wasn't right when I saw that there was a change in her blood samples. So we did another test and I have confirmed... Your friend is roughly one week pregnant." Rouge went silent. She couldn't quite believe what she heard. She covered her mouth in shock, staring at him in disbelief. "What? You're sure?" He nodded his head in reassurance. "I'm positive. We ran the test about three times. We're a hundred percent sure. Is there family we can call? Anyone else she might want to talk to?"

Sadly, Rouge shook her head. "No... Not currently. I should talk to her first. Oh god... What is she gonna do..." The doctor noticed her tone. He dipped his head respectfully. "I'll be back when she wakes up. Let me know if there's anything else you need." He walked out before getting out of the room. Rouge walked towards her best friend. Blaze still hadn't woken up, but the situation was eating away at her. Even though there was a lot at stake, Rouge knew she had to help Blaze in any way she could. Now with hours in her hand, she sat down to stare out the window.

Pondering in her thoughts, she didn't notice that Blaze had woken up. She stirred awake, realizing that she was somewhere else entirely. She sat up in bed, groaning as she did. Rouge heard her, glancing over in surprise. "Ugh... What happened." Blaze muttered. Rouge stood up, racing to her side. "Blaze! You're okay!" she cried, hugging her lightly. Blaze returned the feeling of warmth to her. When they looked back at each other, they couldn't help but laugh. "Oh man, that's the last time I go to that area." Blaze sighed. Rouge chuckled nervously, patting her back. "Next time you've got to keep a good regimen hun. It'll do you a lot more on the battlefield. Please don't scare me like this again! I can't be looming over you 24/7 and that's already bad enough!" she ranted. "Please, as if you need to watch me! I'm a big girl! I can handle myself! Now, when did the doctor say I can head back?"

Opening her mouth to speak, Rouge hesitated. She wasn't sure what to say in response. She dipped her head and looked away from her. "Rouge... is everything okay?" Blaze questioned. With tears pricking at her eyes, Rouge stopped to figure out what to say. "Um... Hun... I... Talked to the doctor who came by earlier..." She stopped again, not knowing if she should say it. "Hey, what is it? I'm still allowed to fight right?"

"Um... Well... I'm not sure you should do that..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry... Blaze... It's just that there's something more complicated going on. But I'm not sure what to say about it. I... I..."

"Is it that bad? If there's a chance then I need to get back to work! I shouldn't even be here!"

"Blaze, it's not that easy! And trust me, you need to lie down! You're going to hurt yourself or worse! I won't let you ruin your life over it!"

"What is it then!? Is it that bad that you can't tell me!?"

Shutting her mouth, Rouge looked away ashamed. She didn't know how to break it to her best friend. Especially since she wasn't sure how Blaze would react. Getting frustrated, Blaze huffed, angrily shaking her head.

"Jesus Christ Rouge. Just tell me what it is dammit! This is my life we're talking about!"

"You think I don't know that?! Dammit fine! I was scared about how you would react but there's no point in stalling since you'll find out! I'm honestly not sure how to break this to you but... I suppose it doesn't matter considering what it could mean for you... But I don't want you to panic... Blaze... You're pregnant..." 

Her eyes widened. "I'm sorry hun... I wasn't sure how to tell you... Hell... I wasn't even sure what you would do." Rouge sighed. Blaze played the statement through her mind repeatedly. The thought made her lean back on the bed again, staring up at the ceiling. "Are... Are you sure?"

"Yes, Blaze... They ran the test about three times. I doubt they'd be lying if they did it that many times."

The room was silent again as they sat there together. Blaze lay there. Her hand slowly went over her stomach while glancing out the window. "I... I guess I shouldn't be too surprised..." she finally stated. Rouge looked at her confused.

"I thought... I thought we'd be okay... I missed my pill time but I didn't think anything of it. How could I be so stupid?" Blaze cried, covering her face. Rouge stood up again, coming closer to her side. "Hun, don't say that. I understand why you feel this way but you shouldn't."

Blaze nodded her head, leaning back into her bed. "Rouge... What am I going to do? I've started a new job... I have a respectable position... And... Silver's pretty much out of the picture... Can I even do it?!"

"Hey hey! Calm down... Blaze... I know how you feel about it, but there are other options. If you're not ready for this, we can talk about it. I know plenty of sources that would be able to help you out."

Shaking her head, Blaze looked at her a little offended. "Are you suggesting that I give up? That I should just-" she hissed. "No! I want you to know that there are options, Blaze! I know how you are... Dammit, I'm your best friend! I want to be able to be there for you! Is it so bad that I want to prepare you since you don't even know what you're doing!? I care about you! I thought when I got a call that I lost you! I don't want anything bad to happen now, or ever!" Hearing her words made Blaze relax. She brought in Rouge for a hug, tears forming in her eyes. Both of them hugged tightly. "You know I wouldn't let anything happen... Right?" She felt Rouge nod her head slowly. "I know..."

More tears streamed down Blaze's face. "I want to keep it... I want this Rouge... I can't just give up! This is the last bit I have close to a real family after everything... Please, please say you'll be there for me."

Rouge giggled softly, smiling into her hold. "Of course, I will be. I'm always going to be by your side. No matter what. I know you have a big decision to make. but regardless of what you decide to do, Amy and I will be behind you as support. Don't worry. It's all going to be okay." Hearing those words made Blaze sniffle as she let the tears fall down her face.

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