Hang In There

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Having nothing but her suitcase and the dress she had on, Blaze realized she didn't have much money even on her card. "Oh no... I can't call them like this..." she cried, covering her face. She walked some distance towards a busy street to try to gather herself. Most ignored her but she did feel the stares of some of them while she headed toward a mini bookshop. When she got there, she walked inside, hoping no one would recognize her. She sat down in a relaxing area where she could finally try to call Rouge. She stared at her contact information.

"No... I can't..." she sighed, burying herself in her hands again. More tears came out as she tried to stop them. "This can't be real..." As Blaze came to terms with the whole situation, the phone on her lap began to buzz. Startled, she accidentally knocked it off.

The phone continues to buzz on the ground. Rouge's contact was still up there with her picture on the front. Blaze hesitated to answer the call when she leaned down to pick it up. Still, she knew she'd worry Rouge if she didn't answer so she hit the green button.

"Hey, hun! Sorry, I know you probably got back from work a few minutes ago but listen to me, I wanted you to check your calendar for tomorrow. Amy and I found this cute place where we can go wedding shopping! Maybe you'll finally find the right accessories to go with your dress! What do you think hun?" Rouge questioned her. Blaze sniffed, wiping her face. "Um... yeah, that sounds great! Totally! I'm free tomorrow, what time?" Blaze responded. Rouge paused hearing her tone of voice. "Hun, what's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing! Sorry! I'm just tired! Long day, you know what I mean? Anyway, I got something to do in the morning but if you guys want to meet after lunchtime, we can!"

On the other end, she heard a ruffling and what sounded like car keys jangling. "Where are you? Tell me what's wrong."

"What do you mean? I'm fine! Seriously!"

"Blaze quit the act! I know when you're upset. Now I don't what it is, or who did it. But I promise you, it's gonna be okay. Now are you going to tell me where you are, or are you going to force me to call Amy too?"

Seeing no option, Blaze texted her the address to the bookshop. They remained on the line even though there wasn't much conversation. "I can't let her see me like this..." Blaze cried, rushing to find the bathroom. She shut herself inside and splashed water on her face. When Rouge arrived at the shop, she parked her car in the fifteen-minute spot before racing inside to find her best friend.

Glancing around, the only sign of her was the suitcase she left in the seating area. "Blaze?" she called out. Nearby were the bathrooms. Rouge sighed and walked towards the door and knocked. "Blaze, sweetie, I know you're in there. Now c'mon out." she urged. When the door cracked open, Rouge couldn't quite believe it. Blaze had tried using a paper towel to wipe mascara stains off of her face.

"Oh no... what happened?" Rouge questioned, walking into the bathroom with her. She closed the door and began getting another paper towel to wipe her with. Blaze couldn't talk much, she just cried. "It's okay... it's okay." Rouge reassured her, rubbing her back. After a few minutes, they left the bathroom and grabbed her belongings. When they got back into the car, they began to drive to Rouge's apartment. There was total silence in the car.

Every time Rouge glanced over, Blaze looked more upset than the last. Rouge wasn't sure what had happened but wasn't about to let it go on. "So, do you want to tell me now, or in the parking lot?" she asked. Blaze didn't answer, just shifted her gaze further towards the mirror. "Okay then,"

The car halted as they finally arrived in the parking area of her apartment complex. She parked before turning off the engine. Rouge faced her friend seeing that nothing had fazed her in the slightest. "Blaze... I know whatever it was must've been very hurtful. I know if I was in your shoes, you'd do the same thing for me. I love you, hun, I do! I care about you and I'm always going to be here for you. But I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Knuckles isn't coming over so if this is a more serious situation, you don't have to worry. It's just us." Rouge then gently moved her head towards her. "I won't ever judge you. You know that." Blaze smiled, softly chuckling. Another tear fell as she felt the urge to break down completely. She stared into Rouge's eyes, wanting nothing but her companionship.

"Silver and I... just broke up..." she finally told her. Rouge was stunned. Although her surprise slightly faded and turned to concern. She held out her arms and reassured her it was safe. Blaze sniffled before leaning into her grasp. "It's okay hun, let it out." Rouge told her, wrapping her wings around her. Blaze sobbed loudly into Rouge's hold. The anger and hurt slowly diminished as she was comforted.

At some point, they got out of the car to head inside the building. When they got inside, Blaze and Rouge shared a better hug. "I'm so sorry." Rouge apologized, feeling her friend's pain. "No, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have made this whole thing about me! You wanted to go shopping! You called to do something completely different! And the fact that I can't hold it off for ten minutes is driving me insane!" Blaze cried. "Blaze, stop! You just went through a breakup! You're allowed to feel hurt. It's affected you which is perfectly normal! Now what exactly happened?"

Blaze didn't answer but shook her head. "Can... Can we maybe call Amy first?" she pleaded. "Of course we can! Here, go get changed and I'll get Amy over here. Then I'll make you some warm tea, okay?" Blaze nodded before Rouge ushered her to get changed. Making a quick call to Amy, she went into the kitchen to start making drinks for all of them. Amy shortly arrived not too long after, knocking so frantically that it scared Rouge briefly. She opened the door. "Oh my gosh! I came as soon as I could! What happened? Is she okay?! You didn't tell me much of anything! Where is she?" Amy questioned frantically.

"Relax! She hasn't even gotten out of the bathroom yet! But, I don't know anything else other than what she told me, alright? But don't pry anything too hard out of her. She's more upset than I've ever seen her before. But we're her support and we're gonna comfort her regardless of the situation. Understood?" Amy then nodded her head rapidly. "Which means you're not going on a murder rampage like I know you probably would. Got it?" Rouge added sternly. Amy nodded her head rapidly again. Right then, Blaze opened the door, revealing herself in sweats and having red puffy eyes. Amy raced to her side, hugging Blaze tightly. "Oh Blaze I'm so sorry!" Once again, their friend began to sob.

They moved to the couch with their mugs of tea in hand. As they got comfortable, Rouge patted her. "Alright, what happened? This seems more than just a regular fight that could happen. Especially if someone like Silver's got your fur in such a disarray." Blaze stared into her mug, motioning to the random tabloids on the coffee table. "I got home today from work... All I did was call out to him because I got back late because of the extra meetings. Then when I get to him he's upset and pissed about something. I asked him what it was... He shows me these photoshopped pics of me with some dude. No sorry- two dudes!"

Amy and Rouge slightly gasped at her story. "And I thought he was going to believe me over some stupid tabloids and pictures. But no! He practically said I'm a girl who sleeps around and then told me he wasn't going to let me make a fool of him! I began packing my things to leave and head out. Suddenly he just- grabbed me! I was startled because he gripped me so hard that I still had a bit of a mark. But... he let me go. I hit the table though. Ooh that was the final straw for me! I... I threw back his engagement ring and called off everything! It's over!" Blaze began sobbing again, hiding her face away from them.

"Oh don't cry, Blaze... It's not worth shedding tears over." Amy pleaded with her. "Not to mention Silver's an idiot for that. Does he not realize your face is everywhere?!" Rouge exclaimed. "I tried to tell him that! He didn't care..." Blaze whimpered. "The worst part is... I don't know what to do anymore."

"What do you mean? If it's about finding a new place, we can help you!" Amy reassured. "No, it's not even that. And, please don't get the wrong idea when I say this but... Silver was the one person who gave me hope to have a real family someday. And... am I wrong to feel like he just took that away?" she asked them. Rouge leaned on her shoulder. "No hun... Everything you feel right now is you feeling frustrated and hurt. Knowing you, I know you'd never cheat on Silver. But just because that boy can't see that doesn't mean someone else won't. Right now, yes, it's rough. It hurts. But you will get through this. Even if it takes you years. You will get over that shit truck of a fiancé."

Amy reached over, wiping away her tears. "Don't let him steal your spark. You're going to be able to make someone else very happy at some point in life. We're here for you Blaze, every step of the way." Amy promised. Rouge nodded her head too.

Blaze giggled softly and smiled. "Thanks... You guys are the best." she sighed. "Aww! Big squeeze!" Amy cheered. They went in for a huge group hug, leaving Blaze with a big smile on her face.

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