I. Alea Iacta Est

375 15 54

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The ever-mendacious Aventurine was no stranger to the spectacles of the Las Vegas dream and his second home – the casinos. With many a gambling house under his wing, he's come to know people from all walks of life that come and go like moths drawn temporarily to a flickering light; however none intrigued him more than [Name], a bartender who had come to work in his casino of choice.

Aventurine was a dangerous man at the end of the day, a man who wore too much information at the tips of his fingers like rings; one who, if one crossed, would orchestrate ruthlessness masquerading as business deals gone bad, corporations crumbling, another esteemed family's scandals infecting the media. His domineering control over the industry was covert and insidious, should one vindicate and force his vindictive hand. In short, he knew too much for any one person's security – but not nearly enough about [Name].

The gambling world is his emporium, but Aventurine interpreted their deadly proficiency in his empire as a potential usurp and a challenge for his crown. Perhaps deliberately to evoke a long-desired sense of rivalry – even if it has been one-sided thus far as he has acknowledged since the start.

Fascinating, even, did he consider them, for while they kept to themself behind the bar, their rather dominating reputation across the gambling world preceded them, and for a while Aventurine flitted between admiration and acrid distaste. They had established themself in such a short period of time, in the volatile ranks of Las Vegas, where stagnation transferred into imminent failure within the flip of a coin. They were immortalised within months of their existence in this fickle world through names: [Name], Fortunato, Lady Luck's successor.

Aventurine had a better name to call them: Fortune's Fool.

A good gambler relies solely on luck. An exceptional one goes further. Bankruptcy was a common fate for those who opted to roll dice with little consideration. So then, it must be their wit and shrewdness that paved their road to fame. Upon astute observation, Aventurine grew riveted with their sly, stolid affinity for flaunting their cards so openly – metaphorically, not literally, as they would be a celebrity known only by dust bunnies performing in the dank alleyways of Las Vegas – and keeping personal cards not close to their chest, but stashed away in sleeves and pockets. But all of that would be water under the bridge as they would fall soon enough. He needed to make a show out of retaining his place in this world.

Seeking earnestly to sate his ever-growing, ever-present curiosity and fiery desire (albeit mild, he tells himself), Aventurine secured himself a front row view on the rare off-chance [Name] left the bar for their breaks and indulged patrons in a few rounds of poker.

Aventurine took a seat on a free couch in the casino, where a few players were gathered around a table. He wasn't here for them, evidently, not those mundane run-of-the-mill gamblers. He kicked his feet back comfortably, making sure that he took up the optimal amount of space that would deter people from trying to sit on the same couch. Barely enough for two, too much for one. He cast his gaze over to the bar nearby, and though many people were lingering, he could see the tops of shakers as [Name] presumably tossed them, and hear the light applause that followed each stunt.

There they were, entertaining a patron. Aventurine paid no heed to him, but he kept his eyes on them, who was clearly far used to these sorts of situations – they were juggling shakers and still maintaining unwavering eye contact with the patron. Impressive show-biz, if Aventurine had anything to say about it. Do it right, and one could rack a few extra tips. No doubt the reason they took it up, he was sure.

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