thirty one

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unreleased olivia rodrigo

ADI BLUE was furious at her brunette best friend. She had gotten the call two minutes ago from the eldest Hughes, saying how she had more alcohol than she could handle, leading to both her and Trevor's dismay.

She stomped her feet along the Hughes pavement, brushing her blond hair from her face as she fiddled with the button of her jean shorts.

The second she got remotely close to the boat, eyes snapped to her with surprise.

"Adi!" Helena hiccuped as Adi came to stand at the front of the boat, patting her foot impatiently. "How funny...we were just talking about you."

"Uh-huh, really?" Adi clicked her tongue, keeping her gaze locked on Helena, fearing whose eyes she might meet. "Awesome."

Helena placed her drink down, unfolding Trevor's arms from her waist as he groaned. "Mhm. I was just telling Luke how much of a fucking asshole he was."

Adi swallowed, the stern look on her face falling. "Let's just go."

"No, no." Helena chuckled, waving her hands. "I mean, you both fucked up, right? Just talk about it."

Adi began to grow anxious, knowing how much Helena could babble when she was under the influence. Liquor, secrets, and Helena Diaz did not mix.

"Hels." Adi warned, reaching for her wrist. "Stop."

"No. Is there something you wanna say, Helena." Luke's voiced made Adi scowl, the tauntingness laced in his tone.

She couldn't bring herself to look at him, instead her finger dug deeper into Helena's wrist, praying she would shut her mouth.

"You know..." Helena chuckled, her words slurred. "Adi and Luca hooking up. I mean, she was so distraught over it."

Adi bit her bottom lip harshly, drawing blood as her expressions had guilt written all over them. She finally looked at him.

He was going pale, his eyes flickering between hers with the utter look of betrayal. He nodded, his jaw clenching as he nearly shoved past her.

Adi turned over her shoulder, dropping Helena's hands as she rushed after the curly headed boy. "Luke."

He ignored her, walking at a quick pace to his back door. She stumbled to catchup with him, her palm meeting his bicep as he turned to face her.

"What?" He spat. "What could you possibly want?"

"Just let me explain." Adi pleaded, watching his face grow redder with the minutes passing. "Please, Luke."

Luke had his hands on his hips, his chest heaving. "You're so full of yourself, Adi. God, I actually started to feel bad, you know? But...maybe the reason you couldn't talk to me was because you were occupied with one of my best friends."

"Luke." Adi nearly whined, a silent tear falling from her cheek. "None of that is true."

Luke grabbed his chin, rubbing it with his knuckles turning white. "Just fucking leave me alone, Adi."

She watched him go inside, slamming the door shut with so much force she could feel the vibrations underneath her feet.

Her head was spinning as she shut her eyes, covering her face.

"I'm sorry." Helena croaked, being held up by Quinn as his lips were in a flat line. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." Adi reassured, shaking her head. "He was bound to find out, right? Let's just worrying about sobering you up."

Helena nearly fell into the girl as she laid her head on her bare shoulder. Quinn gave her a once over as he raised his brows.

"Quinn." Adi pinched her face together, making him stop. "Do you hate me too?"

Quinn had his hands in his short pockets as he clicked his tongue. "I need to go check on my brother. You should just go home, Ads."

She nodded, she nodded because she had nothing else to say. She did this to herself and now she had to deal with the consequences of her own actions.

She carried Helena to the car, driving around the block as she walked inside with the brunette girl, the sky beginning to darken. Adi had stayed with her for a few hours, hearing the apologies from the second she got there, till the second she climbed back in her car.

Adi drove home, letting her head rest on the back of the seat as she put it in park, slamming her head slightly on the steering wheel with a groan.

She exited her car, her feet planted on the pavement as she stared at the front porch of her neighbors house. She shook her head, going inside as she practically crawled up her stairs.

Walking into her room, she turned her head at her blinds, her window wide open, allowing the summer breeze to condition her room.

She kneeled, her elbows sticking out as the wind made her bare skin chilled. Her eyes flicked to stare at his window, jolting as she didn't expect to see him.

The second he sensed her, he scoffed, loudly. He slammed his window shut, surely scratching the paint off.

Adi flipped over to her back as her eyes grew red, flooding with tears. Now it was Luke's turn to yearn.

the tea is HOT
34k EEK 🩵🩵🩵💘💘💘

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now