thirty five

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phoebe bridgers

ADI BLUE was completely distraught as she walked home, tear streaks staining her cheeks as she held herself.

"Ads, please!" A voice calling from behind her had her stopping in her tracks, turning her head.

Quinn panted as he caught his breath, holding his knees slightly.

"Quinn?" Adi sniffled, running her eyes over his disheveled appearance. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Can we talk?" Quinn asked, his brows raising, waiting for her to answer.

Adi nodded, tilting her head slightly as she waited for him to begin. He cleared his throat, wiping his hands on his shorts. "I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have treated you like you didn't exist."

"Yeah, it's fucked." Adi had her arms wrapped around her body still. "You were like a brother to me, Quinn. I fucking needed you."

"I know. I know." Quinn swallowed, shaking his head. "I should've been there for you too. I just was trying to be a good brother and with it, I suffered the consequence of loosing you. I'm sorry."

Adi stared at him with anything but hatred, she loved him unconditionally. "I fucked up too."

"You have a good heart, Adi Blue." Quinn smiled gently, watching her eyes light up. "I tried to talk to him, you know?"

"I think our story is over, Quinn." Adi could feel her bottom lip quiver as she spoke, her own words tugging at her heart strings.

"And are you okay with that?" Quinn cocked a brow.

Of course she wasn't. "Yeah."

"You can keep trying to convince yourself that." Quinn nudged her softly. "You know I won't buy that shit. Remember what I said that night of Luke's draft?"

Adi parted her lips with a small shrug. "A lot was said that night."

"I told you Luke would need you." Quinn remembered. "I wasn't lying, I meant it, I still do. You both need to talk, Adi."

"I'm hurt, Quinn." Adi shook her head with teary eyes. "It's like he completely changed. I don't even recognize him."

Quinn didn't say anything as he pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on the top of her head. The truth was, Luke and Adi were hotheaded and never disagreed in their lives, but it was a complete curse to fall in love with your best friend.

Adi held his bicep, the other on his chest as she shut her eyes, basking in his love. "You're the brother I never had, Quinn."

Quinn smiled ear to ear, nodding. "I'm sorry I pushed you away. It was killing me."

But Quinn swore to his family, his youngest brother especially. Quinn tried to get Luke to admit his feeling for years and now that he had, Quinn felt at fault for the blondes hurting.

Quinn walked Adi Blue home, waiting until she got inside before jogging back to the beach, urgently looking for his baby brother.

Luke stood, angrily. His hand still motioning to his damp shirt which reeked of sweet tea vodka. 

"Luke." Quinn signaled him, his fingers calling him over. "Come here."

Luke scoffed slightly before nodding towards the girls around him, their attention filling the hole in his heart momentarily. "What's up?"

"Let's talk, yeah?" Quinn grabbed his shoulder with authority, dragging him over to a vacant spot, away from crowds and music.

"Can you make this quick?" Luke tapped his foot in the sand. "I told them I'd only be a minute."

Quinn eyed him with a scowl. "What the fuck are you doing? Like, seriously, Luke Warren, what the fuck has gotten into you?"

"What?" Luke chuckled, nonchalantly. "I don't know what you're on about."

"Don't play stupid." Quinn shook his head. "Can you stop being a cocky fuck for five seconds and realizing the way you're breaking her."

Luke's features drew with recognition. "Is that about Adi? God, can we talk about anything else? I don't want to think about her."

"Too bad." Quinn spat, ignoring his brother's pleas. "You're taking this a little too far, Luke. You practically slut shamed her."

"She was totally kicking it with Luca right in front of me!" Luke defended. "I mean, you saw the way he grabbed her. What am I supposed to do?"

Quinn sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It's not fair that you're taking all your anger out on her. You fucking love her more than anything. Jesus, you love her more than me!"

Luke hated when Quinn would pry into his feelings, mainly because it always resulted in Luke becoming vulnerable.

"Yeah, no shit!" Luke shot back. "It's easier if she hates me, okay? That's why I'm doing all of this. If she hates me, she'll never speak to me again and that's something I'll have to get used too."

"That's your goal?" Quinn blinked. "Are you serious?"

Luke froze, going pale slightly. "I ruined everything, Quinn. I wanted her first and I had her. I fucking ruined her. I hate myself for it. It's easier if she sees me the way I see myself."

"You're not a monster, Luke." Quinn hummed with a snort. "You're just hurt. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Luke nodded.

"Why'd you really do it?" Quinn cocked a brow. "The whole distance thing is fucking bullshit. Don't like to me, Lukey."

Luke paused, biting his bottom lip. "I saw the way my leaving was effecting her. I just thought it'd be easier if she didn't have to worry about me. She deserves to be loved in a way I can't provide."

"That's your problem." Quinn clicked his tongue. "You should've talked to her about that, ending things was the most idiotic thing you've ever done. Just try, Luke. Before it's too late."

Something about Quinn Hughes, he could read people, getting to know them so well he could solve their problems for them. Seeing two of his favorite people being killed by their own love for one another, was staring to affect him too. 

If Quinn could get Luke do it once, he could do it again. He wouldn't stop trying until Adi forgave his younger brother.

quinn is going to save us all 😍

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now