Chapter 54

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*A month later, Tim has been intubated for 2 months, the doctors cannot find lung donors for a transplant. Lucy remains hopeful, she is following her foot rehabilitation, she has almost finished. Now, she walks without crutches*

*Wesley and Angela stop by the hospital to see Lucy*

Angela : hi Lucy, how are you ?
Lucy : fine and you ?
Angela : great
Wesley : I bring some news about Tim's trial and yours
Lucy : really ?
Wesley : as it's the same case, they will take place the same day. It will take place in 2 months
Lucy : *choked* 2 months ? But we've been waiting for 2 months already
Wesley : I know but the times to have an instance are long
Lucy : I hope that it's worth it
Wesley : there is a good chance that you will win
Lucy : you think so ?
Wesley : I put together a concrete file, and Rosalind admitted that she just wanted revenge on the police by attacking you, it wasn't you who were targeted in particular
Lucy : so she'll stay in jail ?
Wesley : It is very likely
Lucy : great I don't want her outside
Wesley : no one wants

*Someone knocks at the door. It's Tim's doctor, he enters*

Doctor : hello I need to talk to you Mrs Chen as you are Mr Bradford's trusted person
Lucy : o... Okay
Angela : we'll let you talk, we'll wait in the hallway
Doctor : thank you

*Angela and Wesley leave the room*

Lucy : is that bad ?
Doctor : it's important
Lucy : I'm listening
Doctor : So Mr Bradford...
Lucy : Tim, call him Tim
Doctor : so Tim has been on life support for two months. We've been waiting for a lung transplant but didn't find any compatible donor. I need to know if you want us to keep Tim on life support or if you want us to take him off life support ?
Lucy : what ?
Doctor : I'm sorry Mrs Chen, that's a really hard question. We must ask this question to each family of people placed on life support when it has been a while since the person's condition has improved, and this is the case of Tim. Of course you can take some time to think about it.

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