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On the other side of the ocean, a new dawn arrives on the horizon. The early hours of the day show us a dreamlike Asian landscape, adorned with several cherry trees and a light mystical fog that envelops the island... This place is the country of the Sakura Empire, a beautiful place that has always attracted visits from many tourists, both local and international.

The Furutaka and Kako cruisers are running along the dirt road towards the port.

Furutaka: (Sees the ships anchoring in port) They are here! Let's go!

She pulls her sister towards the port, behind her walks the second division of aircraft carriers, all of them are going to welcome the newcomers.

Kako: Welcome home.

Akagi: Thank you very much for the warm welcome.

Kaga: Did something happen in our absence?

Kako: There is nothing new to report. In addition, Nagato-sama wants your presence.

Akagi: Understood, I will go after completing my work.

Meanwhile, Furutaka talks to Ayanami.

Furutaka: Welcome home, Ayanami.

Ayanami: I am at home.

Furutaka: Any injuries?

Ayanami: No. 

???: Oh! Look, she's already here!

That's when the trio of the luckiest Sakura Empire destroyers appeared.

Yuudachi: Hey! Ayanami!

Yukikaze: Hey, Yukikaze, I went out of my way to welcome you home! You should be grateful!

Yuudachi: So... how many enemies have you sunk?

Ayanami is uncomfortable with the many questions that the destroyers ask.

Shigure: Well, we listen to your stories while we have tea.

Yuudachi was able to do it and was very happy.

Yuudachi: Hurray! Food!

Meanwhile, Eugen and Z23 were watching the empire's destroyers.

Z23: How restless you are.

Eugen: Oh, I think it's charming and cute.

Meanwhile, Zuikaku and Shokaku disembark and walk along the dock, stopping to talk with the second division of aircraft carriers.

Shokaku: I have returned.

Soryuu: Good job, I'm glad you returned safe and sound.

So Shokaku grabs Soryuu's hands and she starts complaining about the treatment from the first division to the fifth division.

Shokaku: Our superiors in the first carrier division are commanders who are so cruel...

While Shokaku continues to complain, Hiryuu realizes that Zuikaku is somewhat sad.

Soryuu: What's wrong, Zuikaku? Why the long face?

Zuikaku: It's okay, I'm fine, it's okay, thank you for caring.

Meanwhile, Zuikaku remembers the encounter she had with Izumo DDH-183, and she decides that next time she will defeat her.

Zuikaku: (I don't know who you are, but I swear I'll defeat you)


I was walking through the corridors of the residential area, me and my fleet were assigned to the Eagle Union residence since there are many rooms available, and while I yawned, I ran into Belfast.

AZUR LANE: Reincarnated as JS Izumo.(Translate)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora