A WALK [26]

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Me: Ugh, has it already dawned? So quickly?

Belfast: Good morning Izumo.

Me: Hello Belfast... Agh my head.

I don't know why, but my head hurts a lot.

Belfast: Yesterday, after you finished your shift, you had your day off, but unfortunately the ship Monitor Abercrombie played a very heavy prank on you.

Me:(Suffering from a headache) Really? And what does that have to do with the hangover? What happened yesterday?

Belfast: (sigh) She added a quite strong liquor to your orange juice and you stayed cold there.

Me: (Looking at Belfast) I figured as much, I've never been tolerant to alcohol. Has she already been punished for what she did? (My tolerance for drinks is just like Doc's in Back to the Future III)

Belfast: Yes, 7 days of confinement in the dungeon.

So I get up while I endure the headache and start getting dressed, then I go out with Belfast and we walk towards the dining room, despite feeling very bad that doesn't take away my great hunger, we go to the dining room while Belfast escorts me, she is very worried that I am going to faint.

Me: (I have had worse pains than the one I am suffering now)

After breakfast, we walked aimlessly around the base because due to the repairs of the ships, there wasn't much to do except patrol, help Vestal, and rest until the fleet is 100% operational. There are no counterattacks at the moment, as we have the day off today.

Me: Well, let's go for a walk.

Belfast: But your hangover.

Me: Being outdoors makes the effect go away quickly.

So I started walking outside and Belfast followed me, somewhat worried.

Belfast: Remember that I will only be available until noon!



Around noon, Wales and Cleveland walk through the hallways of the academy to head to the R&D laboratories.

Wales: The situation is very critical... The Sakura Empire has lost a lot of military power after the operation to attack Midway. Akagi is missing and their Siren ships are not functioning. It will take them a long time to recover.

Cleveland: Yes, but we also can't take advantage of the bug because over 50% of the fleet is under repair, it's a headache.

Then they enter the R&D laboratories where the scholars were already waiting, and Belfast is also here.

Wales: Have you learned anything new?

Amazon: Nothing at all, this has me perplexed.

Langley: To begin with, the information we have about normal mental cubes is almost nonexistent, investigating this thing is impossible because we don't know what this thing is made of.

Ark: I see, it's practically a Pandora's box.

Cleveland: Is the brightness of that thing getting stronger?

Wales: This thing is a siren item, we should assume that something very bad is going to happen.

Hornet: If the sirens are going to keep playing with us, we must beat them up so they won't mess with us.

The situation is worrying, not being able to know anything about what they enemy might do.

Wales: Akagi is the main collaborator with the sirens, without Akagi... I'm worried about what Kaga will do...

Akashi: (Shock) Are you insinuating...?

Wales: If it's what I'm thinking it is, then we'll be in serious trouble.

Hornet: If they deploy Orochi, we currently cannot repel that ship. 

Wales: According to Sheffield, that is a ship that is three times larger than the Iowa-class battleships, armed with 45 cm-50 cm cannons. 

Hornet: (Surprised) 50 cm? Those are really crazy...

Wales: We should prepare a combat force and wait for the enemy's attack. The enemy needs the cube back, so it's possible they'll attack the base. What fleet do we have available?

Hornet: Almost no one. Currently, the Manjuus with the help of Vestal and Akashi are finishing repairs. In 4 days, we'll have some ships with the capability to repel any attack from the Red Axis.

Akashi: Take note of the extra effort I make to help Vestal and assist Langley in R&D. I hope I get paid. 

Hornet: I can't believe your greed, you thieving cat. If we lose, there won't be anyone left for you to do business with. 

Akashi: Oh, that's true! 

Wales: (Looking at the black cube) These sirens really give me serious headaches.

To be continued

STAR RAIL UPDATE! I have not see a spoil so i well have a fun time (you can add me(801095673))

AZUR LANE: Reincarnated as JS Izumo.(Translate)Where stories live. Discover now