Dear Diary

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- Ginny -

The next day, everyone went straight into camp activities - or, more precisely, a giant game of capture the flag. The camp had been split into four teams, named after the four Gospels. Ginny, to her delight, had been placed into Team John, alongside Libby, Maisie, Matthew and five other camp mates who Ginny hadn't properly met yet.

"In any other situation, I would hate something like this." Libby mumbled as every team leader (Maisie was their captain) waited to collect a map from the camp leader. "But this might actually be fun. Nobody seems horrible here so far, and we've been here for three days already!"

"What do you expect?" Ginny asked with a delighted smile. "We're surrounded by other Christians. We're all here for the same reason - well, maybe you've got more than one intention." She added, glancing significantly at the camp leader.

"Tom's a decent person, I'll have you know! And he's not twenty seven, he's twenty four."

Ginny shook her head at her.

"I never thought I'd see the day you fell in love!" She grinned. Libby rolled her eyes with a wide smirk.

"Oh, like you can talk! Don't give me that innocent expression - I've seen you making eyes at Mitch Buchanan over there!" She announced, gesturing, to Ginny's private horror, at where Gavin stood making conversation (and looking particularly cute doing it) with Ruth and a dark haired boy with glasses.

"I have *not* been making eyes at Gavin-"

"Oooh, on first name terms, are we?" Libby cooed with a smirk. Ginny opened her mouth, about to somehow flounder a retort, when a sharp whistle pierced through the air, silencing the murmur of everybody's conversations.

"Alright, everyone! Are we all ready? On the sound of the whistle, the game will begin..."


*Dear diary,

I love the Lord!

So, you know the Christian camp I talked about maybe going to in my last entry? Well, I'm actually there now - and it's FANTASTIC! :)

Everyone here is so nice! I've already made friends with about five people. I share my cabin with four other girls - Maisie, Ruth, Brooke and Lillie. Libby and I are in different cabins obviously, which I don't mind. She's too busy fawning over the camp leader anyway.

Today we played a giant game of capture the flag; me, Libby and Maisie were put into Team John (all the teams were named after the Gospels). Unfortunately, Team Mark won - but it wasn't too much of a disappointment considering that Gavin was in that team! :)

I met Gavin on the first day of camp; he was late on the bus and there was only the seat next to me free, so we sat and talked on the way to camp. He's SO nice and really good-looking! AND he's a Christian! He's an actor apparently, which I think is really impressive - but the only downside is that he has to leave a week early to go back to filming. I wonder what God has in plan for him?

Anyway, his team won the game and - I know it sounds childish - but his triumphant laugh had my stomach in a fit of butterflies. I didn't expect to have a crush here - but God works in mysterious ways! :)

I've got to go down to dinner in a minute, so I best get ready. Maisie's having yet another pillow fight with Lillie and Ruth. I'll write later! Praises be to God!!*

So, that's the end of the fifth chapter! 😊

Ginny's got a crush on the sweetheart, Gavin! Let's see what God's got in plan for them... ❤

God bless you all! ❤

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