Attacks and Research

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- Ginny -

Ginny stood in front of the bathroom mirror in the cabin, eyeing her reflection critically. Someone - probably Maisie - had attached a post-it-note above it, reading 'Made in God's image - so smile, beautiful!'. Yet for the life of her, Ginny couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that she looked wrong. A small time in modelling had introduced her to be critical of her appearance at all times, and she often found herself absent-mindedly comparing her appearance to others. True, she hadn't done it since she had arrived at camp - but this was a spiritual attack, one that seemed to be feeding off past comments that had been made by critics.

Did she really have that many freckles on her face? Was she really that pale?

"Stop it." She heard a gentle yet firm voice resound through her, as if from deep within. Jesus. "Stop tearing yourself apart. You are my child. Luke 10:19."

Ginny braced her hands against the rim of the sink.

"I have given you authority to stomp on serpents and scorpions and all things sent from the enemy. Nothing will harm you." She recited the Bible verse outloud. As she spoke, she felt the Spirit rear within her, strong. She gazed at her reflection again in the mirror, a determination flashing in her eyes. "In Jesus' name back off, Satan, and get behind me! Your evil thoughts don't belong to me, for I am a child of God!" Almost immediately, something seemed to shift in the air around her, as though something was sheepishly retreating. Ginny breathed a small sigh, a smile dancing across her lips.

"Thank you, Jesus." She mumbled, just as the door burst open and Maisie barged in.

"WE WON!!! Team John won!!" She cheered out at the top of her lungs.

"Seriously?" Ginny grinned. "That's awesome!" She had left the field after her conversation with Gavin, feeling a need to spend time with God and mull over Gavin's words. Consequently, she had missed the other games that had been played.

"I know!" Maisie giggled. "Libby is so good at dodge ball. She got, like, sixteen people out in a row! How's your ankle?" She added, glancing down at Ginny's foot. Ginny shrugged.

"It's not hurting as much. God will heal it."

"Amen to that." Maisie nodded. She looped her arm through Ginny's. "Now come on, girl! Everyone in Team John is celebrating down at the giant camp fire! They sent me to fetch you."

"But it's eleven pm-" Ginny began to protest, but Maisie's groan of mock irritation cut her off.

"It's one late night, Ginsters! Besides, we're all singing worship songs down there - and Libby said you love worship songs."

"That's true." Ginny mused. She paused for a short moment, silently asking God whether she should go. A sudden gentle prodding in her mind told her yes.

"Okay, fine." She conceeded. "Why the heck not?"

"Yusss!" Maisie cheered enthusiastically, pumping the air with her free fist. "I knew worship songs were the way to your heart! Oh, and it's not just Team John down there, by the way. Everyone's there - including Mr Casalegno." She added, wriggling her eyebrows. Ginny groaned.

"Why are you guys so obsessed?"

"Because you two would make such a cute couple!" Maisie insisted.

"What are you, the camp matchmaker?" Ginny quizzed amusedly. Maisie grinned.

"You may laugh. But I'm being serious here. Everyone in our cabin agrees with me. And you didn't see how disappointed he looked when you left the game earlier - he was like a lost puppy."

Ginny shook her head, attempting to ignore the affect that Maisie's words had on her. She didn't want to develop a hopeless crush on Gavin, only for him to leave the camp after this week and never see her again.

"It's not going to happen, Mais. He's a super talented actor who has a very tight schedule. And besides, he's too nice not to already have a girlfriend." She added, voicing one of the doubts that had been circling in her mind for a while.

"Oh, yeah right!" Maisie exclaimed dismissively, looking at Ginny as if she had said something especially stupid. "That dude does not have a girlfriend."

"How do you know?" Ginny challenged. One glance at the sheepish grin suddenly painting Maisie's face told her the answer. "You've been googling him, haven't you?"

Maisie shrugged innocently.

"Hey, can I help it if I just so happened to need to conduct some research on actors for my English assignment at school?"

"It's the summer holidays." Ginny pointed out.

"I left my homework late." Maisie countered. "Anyway, the point is I did quite a bit of research and there's no mention of a girlfriend. Not one."

"That doesn't mean he's the one for me." Ginny protested, although she couldn't suppress the feeling of being pleased at the welcome news. Maisie fell silent for a short moment, in which an unusually serious expression settled over her delicate features.

"Ok, I'll drop it. But promise me you'll ask God about him. If you're feeling confused, He'll definitely give you an answer."

Maisie looked so intent in that moment that Ginny found all she could do was agree.

"Alright, sure."

Maisie's typically bright grin returned full-force.

"Yay! Now, come on, Gin!" She dragged Ginny by her elbow over to the cabin door. "Our throats are gonna hurt so much after all this singing!" 

Hey, everyone! 

I hope you liked this chapter! 

Speaking Luke 10:19 is one of the most powerful Bible verses to use against the devil during spiritual attacks. These are words spoken by Jesus, and they have power - trust me. 💪❤

Hope you all have a blessed day! 

Praise God for everything, for He is mighty and oh so kind!!! ❤ 🤗

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