「Chapter 22」

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"Okay, deep breaths," Elias murmured to himself as he settled into a cross-legged meditation pose on the floor.

It had been ages since he'd last encountered Kai. Elias didn't even know what had happened when Kai had abruptly vanished from his mindscape.

Focusing his energy inward, Elias exhaled slowly. The truth was, he didn't fully understand how he'd first summoned Kai into his consciousness in the first place. It had simply...happened, seemingly by accident.

Could he recreate those circumstances intentionally? Elias centered himself, letting his worries and surface thoughts drift away.

With painstaking care, he began constructing the familiar mindscape where he experienced his premonitions.

Elias held that visualization, aware of the energies pulsing and intertwining as the vision solidified. And there, just at the edge of his perception, he sensed a familiar presence...

Elias's eyes snapped open when he heard the very familiar voice.

"You're back!" he exclaimed, relief flooding him as Kai's form solidified before him, staring back with equal astonishment.

"Did something happen?" Kai asked, brow furrowed with concern.

Elias shook his head slowly. "Not really, it's just...two others appeared while you disappeared."

Kai looked down at his translucent hands, turning them over uncertainly. "Two others?" he murmured, seeming confused. His gaze swept their surroundings as if seeing them for the first time. "Where is this place?"

"A resort. In New Orleans," Elias supplied.

Kai's eyes widened fractionally. "New Orleans, as in the New Orleans filled with supernatural creatures?"

Elias nodded. "Yes, that New Orleans."

"And why are you here exactly?" Kai pressed, his tone making it clear he knew Elias was holding something back.

Elias sighed. "We came to find my sister's soulmates...and my other soulmate. And to take care of some other things." He met Kai's probing stare steadily.

Kai hummed thoughtfully, a slight smirk playing around his lips as he clearly pieced things together. "I see. Well, this should prove...interesting."

Elias nodded slowly. "Yes, that's why we're here. Do you think you'll be able to locate some people for me?" He looked at Kai hopefully.

Kai crossed his arms, expression unreadable. "Depends."

Elias raised an inquisitive brow. "Depends on what, exactly?"

"Lots of things," Kai replied vaguely. "Whether they're living...or on the other side." He paused, seeming to consider something. "Why do you need me to find them?"

Elias shook his head, waving off the question. "Nothing, I was just asking out of curiosity."

But Kai leveled him with a knowing look. "Right. Well, I have a question for you as well."

Elias perked up, listening intently.

"When," Kai began, "are you going to get me out of the prison world?"

A slow smile spread across Elias's face as realization dawned. "Ah, I see now. As soon as you successfully track down these people I need to find."

Kai's expression didn't waver, but Elias could have sworn he saw a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Very well, you have a deal. Lead on."

Elias smiled, gratified to have Kai's cooperation, "First, we need to locate the desiccated Mikaelsons."

Kai opened his mouth, no doubt to question further, but Elias held up a hand. "No questions for now," he stated firmly. "I'll explain everything once we've found them."

Kai arched one brow but didn't protest. "I have to go deal with something else at the moment," Elias continued. "Let me know the moment you discover where the Mikaelsons are being kept."


"This was unannounced, sorry for the mess -" Jackson began apologetically as Elias strode in.

But Elias waved off his concerns. "No, it's fine. I'm only here for a moment anyway." His expression turned pensive as his mind focused.

"Now that the werewolves' curse is broken, many vampires are sure to feel threatened. But that's just a temporary problem - forming an alliance with Marcel has to be our top priority."

Jackson shook his head, tapping his finger agitatedly on the chair's arm. "An alliance? No, we're ready to fight. They cursed us and they get to walk away free? We won't let that happen..." He trailed off, jaw clenched.

Elias turned to study Jackson, as the other man met his gaze steadily, anger simmering behind his eyes.

"Let's not be stupid now," Elias said evenly. "There are bigger problems than Marcel and his vampires."

"Other problems like what?" Jackson challenged.

Elias sighed, recognizing he needed to change tacts. In order for the werewolves to drop their vengeance against the vampires, they needed to focus on the one thing that terrified all factions equally.

"Like The Hollow," Elias stated gravely. "An evil that could wipe out everything in its path - wolves, vampires, witches. All of us."

Jackson stilled, the fight seeming to drain from him as dread crept in. "You can't be serious..."

"I wish I wasn't," Elias replied grimly. "But the truth is, The Hollow is coming - soon. Her followers have been preparing for her return for ages. We need to find a way to get rid of her permanently."

He fixed Jackson with an intense stare. "You know what I'm asking, don't you? And the risks involved?"

A tense beat passed before Jackson gave a solemn nod. "For my pack, for my family - I'll do whatever is required to protect them."

Elias searched his eyes, then returned the nod briskly. "Good. Then we can start by forging an alliance between the vampires and werewolves against this threat."

"And the witches?" Jackson asked cautiously. "We'll need them too."

"The witches shouldn't be a problem," Elias said with a hint of a smile. "I have a way to get them on board. Marcel is our focus right now."

Jackson's mouth set in a hard line. "He won't go for it. Not after everything between our two species."

"He will if he wants to survive the coming storm," Elias stated with certainty. "Once I explain the full extent of The Hollow's power, the real threat she poses to all of us, he'll have no choice."

Leaning forward, "But I need your full cooperation. Can you put aside your vendetta against the vampires, For the greater good?"

Jackson was silent for a long moment before finally giving a curt nod. "You have my word."

Elias exhaled slowly. It was a start. "Good. Then let's begin making preparations..."


"And what exactly are we going to do?" Davina asked, hurrying her footsteps to catch up with Elias's brisk pace.

"We can't just ask the witches nicely to help defeat The Hollow," she added, a hint of sarcasm in her tone. The covens would never go along so easily, not after their long-standing feuds.

"We're not asking," Elias stated flatly without breaking stride.

Davina nodded slowly. As weird as it sounded, she wasn't afraid of strongarming the witches - not with Elias by her side.

"Okay, then what's the plan?" She searched his expression for hints. "Some kind of coercion?"

"Nothing so crude," Elias replied calmly. "I have a more...nuanced way to convince them to unite against our common foe."

"Looks like we didn't even need to look for you, Davina," a cold voice rang out.


𝑨𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒎 - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora