Our Agreement

876 30 0

6th Evening of the 7th Moon 86ac,
Kings Landing

The Great Hall was filled by the court of King Jaehaerys Targaryen and his sister-wife Queen Alysanne Targaryen.

The king was sat on his Iron Throne watching the room of his Lords and Ladies.

His wife holding his only granddaughter on her hip with Lady Jocelyn laughing along to something Gael had said.

Aemon and Baelon stood near them talking to some lords on their recollection of the previous year's attempted Dornish invasion of the Stormlands and what they would do to prevent another.

Viserra was talking to some young lord who looked enamoured by her. Perhaps a betrothal would make her happier, the King pondered.

Disturbing his thoughts, four guards came running into the room making a beeline towards Lord Commander Gyles Morrigan who stood idly by the throne. The room had gone to a silence watching the scene play; the Lord Commander turned and made haste towards the King.

"Your grace, a dragon has been sighted on the coast. The Dragonkeepers believe it to be one of the wild ones."

For a second the Commander thought he hadn't spoken loud enough until his Grace rose from his seat with a,

Lock the door on my exit. My wife will do the rest

In a louder, clearer voice the King demanded,

Aemon, Baelon rūsīr issa

(Aemon, Baelon with me) 

Jaehaerys with his sons following left the room at once.

Iā zaldrīzes ēza issare ūndegīon va se coast, wild mēre rȳ bona

(A dragon has been spotted on the coast. Wild.)

Gaomagon ao jaelagon naejot jikagon īlva, kepa

(Do you wish to send us Father? )

Daor, Daor, īlon jāhor sylugon se redirect zirȳla.

(no, no, we will try and redirect him)

The three men made their way to the entrance of the castle with three Kingsguard members following. The grand doors opened and no one made a move.

Your Grace..

The Princess lead a curtsy with both boys mirroring her with a bow.

...Husband, Brother. We have returned at your request - although I was expecting a more welcoming reception for the Princes' return, I am sure they will settle with supper.

Viserys near killed Baelon with his embrace, he had missed his father dearly. Baelon was not hesitant to return it. There was a certain bond between a father and his heir. Noticeably, the Prince only had one of his sons run to his embrace and upon looking to the other he saw why.

Daemon was standing holding Rhaellas hand and a wooden sword in his other. He held a small snarl upon his face, one made for someone much older than only five summers.

Even the Princess had to admit Baelon looked as if his heart had shattered into a million small pieces. With that in mind, she led the small boy to his father and brother. Viserys by this point had moved to his Grandsires side to tell him of his adventures on Dragonstone.

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