Burn and Hatch

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Seven Years Later,
Kings Landing under the reign of King Jaehaerys I

The past seven years had been difficult to the mighty House of Targaryen. The now Old King and the Good Queen were separately living in their own castles after the fall out of their family.

Queen Alysanne gave her brother-husband 13 children in her lifetime. Yet only four were left in her life due to her husbands ambition to restore their house to greatness.

Princess Viserra had gotten herself killed on accident whilst trying to rebel the Kings control. Princess Gael in her innocence had taken to a traveller and killed herself when her child had been born dead.

The most heartbreaking death among the royal family had been that of Prince Aemon Targaryen. The Prince and heir to the Iron Throne had been killed whilst performing his duties in Tarth. It is said his best friend and brother, Prince Baelon had killed thousands in retaliation. Prince Aemon had been avenged but nothing would ever fill the hole he left behind in the realm and family.

After what the council concurred a reasonable time of mourning, the Vipers had started pushing for the succession to be confirmed. With the heir dead and leaving behind only a daughter - concerns had been raised. The options for heir were listed with great detail and consideration:

The Princess Rhaenys - a woman of only 19 summers with only a daughter as her own heir and an overly ambitious husband.
The Prince Baelon - a trained and capable leader with two male Targaryen heirs and a Targaryen wife.

The choice was clear to all; even the Princess Rhaenys in her grief knew the realm would benefit from her uncle more than herself whilst also giving her freedom to raise her child in comfort. It was only Baelon's hesitance to take the position that pushed back the council as long as it did. It wasn't until his niece had explained her own feelings on the matter that he was able to accept.

With the Dragons of Targaryen at a crisis of succession, the Old King and his gang of Vipers urged the aging heir and his wife to create more pieces for them to move across the board.

They'd managed seven years of marriage without having to reproduce, I mean that didn't mean the marriage was still unconsummated. Baelon and Rhaella were the blood of the dragon - not even they could deny themselves eachother in times of desire and need.

End of the fourth Moon

Summer was upon Westeros with raging heats and dry spells that could match the Dornish marches.

Princess Rhaella, now five moons with child, clutched her growing stomach whilst making haste to her eldest son's room. The maid that was supposed to wake Daemon had returned with a full plate of his normal morning meal and the news that she'd not been able to find the younger prince.

Following her was her Kingsguard Ser Clement Crabb who was sworn to her after her husband's appointment to the position of heir. A good man she must admit. Old? Yes. Brave and good? Yes. She'd rather Ser Clement than some young, dumb, adventure-craving knight. He was kind to her and allowed her freedom where others would not.

Barging through the room, she was met with a sleeping Viserys cuddling to a bottle on the floor next to his bed.

A look to her Kingsguard was all that was needed for him to leave the room with a purposeful slam of the door.

Fuck. Mother, how are you this morrow? The babe?

The boy did love his goodmother. She had raised him because she wanted to instead of having to like some other members of their family. She stepped up to be his mother and she was by all rights. However, he also knew how scary the bloody woman could be when she wanted to.

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