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Amani walked through the back gate, luckily no one was in the front yard. She giggled once she felt her mom pull her into a tight hug, the ones where they rock you left and right. "Heyy baby, you told me you landed but I had no idea where you went, had me thinkin you were on vacation." Her mom Ashanti, ranted as Amani waved and smiled at the people that said hey to her.

"Hey momma." She said once Ashanti finished talking. Amani looked around the back yard, seeing everyone from her dad's side and from her mom's side talking to each other. She tilted her head, a bit shocked on how they were all being nice to each other after the big fight they had last time she was here.

"Oh how'd you convince dad's side to come over?" Amani asked as they sat down at the patio couches. "With they damn kinfolk, ion like them people." Ashanti rolled her eyes referring to her dad.

"And lemme— ma," She cut her off from being messy, as her dad's sister walked past them. In an attempt to change the subject she started telling her about her new job.

"So you're pretty much going to be around sweaty athletes, all damn day?" Her mom poked her bottom lip out.

"Well think of it this way, you're going to be around tall, rich men." Ashanti giggled causing her to laugh. Which was true she was going to be around both gross athletes and rich men.

"And your brother's here somewhere.." She turned her head and looked around. Dominick was a month older than her. His birth mother passed away from breast cancer when he was 5. This caused him to end up in foster care which he only did 2 years of until he was adopted by Ashanti and Adonis.

"Wait so, you working down here, meaning that you're staying for good??" Her mom asked excitedly, she giggled at her excitement before nodding. Ashanti pulled her into a big hug causing her to laugh. "Yesss, o-m-g!"

"My girl is staying for gooddd, welcome back Pooh!" Ashanti squealed pulling away just to hug her again. "I know right, I missed Houston so muchhh." Amani cheesed.

Amani hasn't been to houston since she was 17, yeah occasionally she would visit if she wasn't busy. However she owned a clinic in New Orleans so she'd be back and forth a lot. On her last day at the clinic her coworkers threw her a surprise leaving party. Although she cried most of the party she enjoyed herself a lot.

"Oh, go speak to your dad before he runs off with your triflin' ass uncle." Ashanti said releasing her watching as she laughed and got up. Her mom could not stand his dad's side mainly because they couldn't stand her. To her they were ghetto... which wasn't even an understatement they actually were so ghetto.

On Amani's 13th birthday, her older cousin had beef with this girl and told her to pull up to the party, which was at Amani's home. The girl pulled up and they got into a fight in the front yard and knocked over a few decorations but completely crashed the party. Amani was pissed but Ashanti was outraged and cussed out everyone.

Her father ignored it which just pissed her mom off even more causing them to get into an argument. By the end of that night, her birthday was ruined.

She walked into the house looking around for her father, but she didn't see him so she just spoke to her grandparents and family who were watching a football game.

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