Chapter 3: They Must Be Giants

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Chapter Three

They Must Be Giants

Everything was safe, including the ugly car, but Heart had almost crashed, focusing all of her attention on what was in front of her rather than what was around her. What she met her eyes with would have every normal person in awe.

Dave Harren's home was in fact, enormous. Quite literally, the center of attention.

Passing by many houses on her way up here, Heart had noticed how beautiful and massive the houses were but the Dave Harren house was incredible. It was a mansion. It was as if it were two houses in one. Large and in charge and taller than she expected it to be. She wondered how many rooms there actually were in there.

Heart finally closed her mouth as it began to feel dry. She was stunned and amazed that she was sitting in front of this house. Who would have thought? She was born and raised in Manhattan, New York and was so used to itty-bitty apartments. How the hell did she manage to get here?

Sudden realization consumed her. Heart was about to meet the most famous couple in the world. She couldn't help but remember at thirteen, sitting in her old childhood room reading celebrity magazines. She found out celebrity net worths, the size of their mansions and what the cost was. One time, she stumbled across a part of a magazine and read a headline that was directed to Fans: "Meet Your Idol." Many stories flooded the page; meet and greets, backstage passes, or random meetings due to luck, pictures scattering the page. Heart read each experience with confusion. She couldn't believe the amount of money each fan paid just to take a picture with their "idol." Growing up in a low-income household for half of her life, she knew how important money was and she made peace with the fact that she'd never meet a famous person, let alone her favorite celebrity if it meant losing all your money. She never even believed that she would get to see a real life mansion, growing up in busy Manhattan.

Heart was just a normal girl, but right now, her life felt a little surreal.

"Is this real life?" She muttered to herself.

Heart gathered herself together. Growing up, she struggled with anxiety and overthinking and she didn't want that to get in the way of this opportunity. She parked the car to the side, at the very top of the long upward driveway and pulled the key out of the ignition. It wasn't until now that she realized this house was at the top of a hill. She could only imagine their view of Seattle.

Heart finally got out of the car, staring at the mansion in front of her. As she started to walk towards the beautiful front lawn, she couldn't help but stop and smell the colorful hydrangeas that surrounded the intricate stone fountain. She stared at the shiny green grass.

"Is that even real?" she whispered to herself, tempted to bend down and feel it.

She shook her head and sighed. The entire scenery was distracting her. She was beginning to forget the real reason she was there in the first place: to do her job.

If only she were there for pleasure, she would have more time to observe and admire the place.

Walking towards the incredibly large steps, she made her way up to the large double doors. Before knocking, she realized that she didn't actually get a chance to do a deep-dive and study up on this famous couple. She always felt like she had to have some type of background information about the people she worked with. It made her feel ultra-prepared. But what didn't she know about this couple? She knew enough because they were always one of the main topics in pop culture and it was hard to escape pop culture drama when you're friends with Violet. However, at this moment, Heart couldn't recall much about the couple other than a few rumors, movies and magazine covers. She contemplated the idea of being a few minutes late just to do a bit of research on her iPhone. Did she really have to be all in the know? It was a possibility that it could work in her favor since famous people hate nosy people. Besides, Mr. Gordon did say she could choose someone to work with her on this event and she knew just the right person for the job. Violet could get her any type of information she needed with a snap of a finger.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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