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In the depth of a dark forest, there stood a giant manor, buzzing of life. Butlers and maids did their duty to keep the place spic and spam as the cooks prepared breakfast.

Running around, they pasted a room that was hidden by the shadows. It's where the twins of the Alpha King slept, side by side in each other arms. Their breathing steady, bodies relaxed.

A sudden, small knock came from the doors. "My ladies, are you awake?" A maid asked, receiving nothing but silence. She knocked again after a moment. "My ladies?" Still hearing nothing, the young maid let out a shake sigh and slowly entered the twin terrors chamber.

Inside, it was pitch black, the only light coming from the hallway. Taking a step in, the maid immediately heard something crack under her feet. Looking down, she saw a broken picture frame.

Squinting her eyes and looking more closely, she realized that the entire room was destroyed. Furniture was teared up and damaged beyond repairs, paintings were knocked down with some ripped, and there were huge claw marks on the walls and floor.

A shuttle went down her spine. Shaking, the maid slowly made her way over to the queen sized bed. Standing beside said bed, the young maid hesitantly reach over and placed a hand on one of the alphas shoulder.

"My ladies." She whispered, lightly shaking the princess. "My ladies, please wake up. Your father calls for you."

Snapping her eyes open, Blake bear her teeth and growled at the maid angrily, pulling her younger sister closer. Watching as the frighten shewolf backed away, trembling in her boots while bowing her head. "I-I deeply apologize, Princess. But his majesty, the King, wants Princess Riley and you in the dining hall, right away."

Blake groaned in annoyance, laying back down. "Leave." Without hesitation, the girl ran out of the room with her tail between her legs.

The door slammed close, purging the room back into darkness. "Fucking scaredy-cat." Blake mumbled, snuggling closer to her sister before sighing, reluctantly sitting up and stretching her arms until she heard that satisfying popping noise.

Feeling movement next to her, Riley let out a loud yawn, plopping herself on her elbows whilst rubbing her eyes. Hair all messy. "Morning already?"

"Yup." Blake said, popping the p. Clapping her hands to turn on the lights. "Get up. Father wants us." She threw the blanket off herself, getting up on her bare feet and went over to the walk in closet. Ignoring the mess surrounding her.

Riley stayed in bed, letting out a loud groan before flopping back down onto the bed. Head smacking against the pillow. "I don't wanna." She whined loudly as Blake took off her T-shirt and tossed it to the side.

The maids will clean it.

"He's just gonna complain about our behavior yesterday at the meeting. What's the point to go down there just to get scolded by the old man?"
Riley turned head to face her sister changing, added, "It's too early to deal with him. Let's just go back to sleep, Bee."

Blake went to say something, but gripped her head in pain when an angry voice bloomed through the mind link. 'Get your butts down here now!' It was the Alpha King.

Letting out a scoff, Blake looks over to see Riley whining, rubbing her head with closed eyes. "Let's hurry so he'll stop throwing a tantrum."

Blake shook her head, throwing the shirt in her hand in her sister's face. "Get up and get dressed." Riley ripped the shirt off her head and threw it back.

Lazily getting dressed, the two unhurriedly made their way down to the dining hall, wearing the same thing: black leather jacket, black shirt, ripped black jeans, and black army boots.

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